Friday, March 31, 2006

new skin and songs..

ok,i m goin 2 change my current skin 2 a new skin w/ new songs...m currently lookin at all the skins...w/ so many different skins 2 look at,i dunno which 2 standed s quite high actually...i wan a anime blogskin w/ nice colours(not 2 bright or dark),hav links,no songs n no kikyo or naraku(srry kikyo n naraku fans!).^^hope tat i can find 1 which i lyk...wish mi luck!

yups...i hav found 1 skin which i lyk hope u all lyk it 2.the song s Sotsugyou by Tackey n Tsubasa^^.i tink it suits the blog theme.

Friday, March 24, 2006


perhaps some of you all out there is really bothered by my lack of post n the fact tat i took a long time b4 i my explaination s tat i dun hav nethin 2 say...ya..stupid i noe.
so now i m postin bcos i hav sometin 2 say....hav learnt a few more nihongo words n s feelin pretty chuff....i hav decided 2 giv away sometin 2 ya all...ok,4 those hu wan 2 watch Inuyasha episodes/movies or those hu had miss a couple of e episode/movie,no fear!!i hav e complete listing of links connectin 2 a site which allow u 2 watch it FREE!jus leave ur msg at the tagboard w/ ur email n i will email u THE COMPLETE LISTING OF INUYASHA EPISODES AND MOVIES!!!but the episode/movie s in japanese though...but dun wrry,there's eng subtitles so u can noe they r talkin bout...