all names had been changed...i do not own any of the Inuyasha characters names..i had changed all the names 2 protect their privacy n had matched the names of Inuyasha characters accordin 2 their personality.
oh my's a really ok..not gr8 day but it's still after the home econs,i hav literature wich 2day,we hav 2 ACT OUT the ALTERNATE ENDING OF ROMEO & and shippo had written the case u r wondering,yes,romeo n juliet did not die in tis ending.they had quite a happy ending in lyk i said,2day they we had 2 act out n only jus yesterday,we had finished doin the props needed.wat really angers me was tat wen we asked 2 n only boys in our grp(of 6) 2 stay bac,only 1 did.Jaken did.i had not expected Renkotsu 2 not stay bac 2 do the props as he seems lyk such a gd boy n s trustworthy.i had trusted him soo much tat i had given him the role of Prince of Verona wich had a lot of lines!it's a character wich we cannot do w/o w/ if we act it out according 2 the new edited ending.wen shippo threaten him tat if he did not stay bac 2 finish up the project,he will get 0 marks 4 his literature(tis project consist of a huge % in the overall marks.).and his reply was 'get 0 lor'.!!!.had i noe he would b lyk tis,i would not had given him the role of Prince of Verona,instead,i would had given it 2 Jaken.frankly,Jaken was 1 hu i did not trusted but he turns up 2 b quite ok as at least he did stay bac n do the project unlyk Renkotsu.wen i came bac home after finishin the props,it was bout 6pm++.i went 2 call everybody in our grp 2 remind them 2 bring wat they nd 2 bring n wen suddenly,Nazuna called me 2 said tat she did not wan 2 wear shorts 4 her role of Romeo n wan 2 exchange role w/Jaken(hu was actin as nurse,messenger n Juliet's father)!of cos i told her tat tis would do as tml(2day) hav 2 act out n even if Jaken s willin 2 exchange the roles,it s not possible as Romeo's role has a lot of lines n unless 1 has photographic memory,it s not possible 2 memorise in jus few hours!i dunno y but she claimed tat she could not wear shorts/jeans (n also tat she did not hav shorts/jeans) n tat she would look weird in it!since wen gals can't wear shorts/jeans n they will look weird in it?does tat mean tat i hu always lyk 2 wear 3/4 crop pants 2 malls look weird in it?i reminded her tat Sango(hu s actin as Juliet) also had 2 wear a skirt wich she dun lyk 2 wear.after much persuadin,she finally agreed 2 continue w/ her role.the last 1 whom i called was Renkotsu.i reminded him wat he was goin 2 do wen he's actin n wat he s goin 2 wear n he says tat at most he would not go 2 skool tml(2dae).i did not bother w/ his statement n i jus giv him a tongue lashin.
but wat i did not expect frm Renkotsu was tat he really did not come 2 skool 2day!!!i 100% can confirm tat his purposely did not come 2 skool 2day as he did not wan 2 act out the play!tis means tat he did not contribute netin 2 tis project!!!as if tis s not enough!our grp sadly had met w/ lots of misfortune as our ex-leader,Naraku,had broken her promise 3 times!1)she promise tat she will do the decoration of the board but she did not and also she promise tat she will colour the comics strip but once again,she did not do.2)she ask us 2 stay bac 2 do project but she did not stay bac 2 do the project n wat's more,she ran away w/ all the materials so we could not do a very gd newsletter n tat day s the deadline for handing up the newsletter.wen we were frantically tryin 2 call her through her handphone no. wich she gave us,it turns out tat the no. she gave us was a fake no.!(imagine tat!her personality s sooo similar 2 Naraku!)so we tried her home no.(thank goodness it was not a fake 1 again!) but she did not came home yet n we asked her mother if Naraku did have a handphone but her mother said no!turns up wat a big liar she was!soon,through friend's help,we found out tat she was at HEARTLAND MALL SHOPPING W/ HER FRIENDS WHILE WE WERE STRUGGLING W/ THE LITTLE MATERIALS WE HAD 2 MAKE A GD NEWSLETTER!so,deciding tat we will nver made the deadline,we went 2 our literature teacher 2 ask 4 a extention of time n also at the same time,we told her bout Naraku sins.soft-hearted she was,she told us 2 giv Naraku 1 more chance.she also giv us till the nxt day evening 2 hand in the newsletter.we had decided 2 do some b4 completing the rest the nxt day after skool.we had told Naraku tat we will b finishin the newsletter the nxt day n requested her 2 stay bac.the nxt day after skool,she took 1 paper printed w/ info sayin tat she was goin 2 go 2 a nearby plazza 2 laminate the paper so tat it will look nicer.she went at bout 1.40pm n by 5pm++,she was not bac n we again,had 2 make do w/ wat materials we had 2 complete the newsletter as the paper she took away was quite an important piece.wen we finish it,we went 2 hand it in n also at the same time,complain 2 our literature teacher bout Naraku's our literature teacher s very very soft-hearted,she said tat she would speak 2 Naraku the nxt day.the nxt day after my teacher had finished speakin 2 Naraku,i decided tat enough was enough.since Naraku could escape frm doin the project n lie 2 us soo many times,she could do it again n again.after discussin w/ Shippo,we both agree 2 the last resort.KICK HER OUT OF OUR wat if she s the leader?she s soo irresponsible!having tis kind of leader s lyk having no leader!we went 2 tell our teacher tat we wan 2 kick Naraku out of our grp,my teacher said tat it was our own choice but it s 2 cruel 2 her(our teacher bein soft-hearted again~ -_-).we told her firmly tat we had made our choice n our teacher asked us if we wan 2 tell her tis news ourself or we wan 2 hav her tell Naraku.we choose the 2nd option.after some days,Naraku passed ur a note sayin tat if she could stay in tis grp until the start of the new term n tat she said she had discussed tis prob w/ our literature teacher n she we could not trust her nemore,we went 2 spoke w/ our literature teacher 2 find out if wat Naraku said was true.turns up tat she had been lying again.our teacher said tat Naraku did not told her bout tis matter.we decide 2 b harsh n not let her go bac in2 the grp again.after all,we r not a bunch of fools sittin on the wall waiting 2 b tricked by Naraku!!!!arrr!!!i cannot believe tat a innocent lookin gal lyk her can b so down right despicable!!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
watashi...anime character?
Your score is 39. You personality profile is as shows:
You have a personality similar to the character Kenshin in the series Ruroni Kenshin(30-39 points):

You have a strong sense of justice and loyalty. You will fight to defend yourself and those you love. You tend to be a bit hard on yourself at times.
You have a personality similar to the character Kenshin in the series Ruroni Kenshin(30-39 points):

You have a strong sense of justice and loyalty. You will fight to defend yourself and those you love. You tend to be a bit hard on yourself at times.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Project mania!!!
i goin siao already!!!!!!!!!so many projects so little time!!!!plus hav 2 do w/ boys wat's more*rolls eyes*.got literature project(nd act out 1..i dun wan 2 act!!),history project(deadline near..),n i got no idea on how 2 start doin it!!!!!!!!stupid!!!!!!!!!
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