Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Matsuri 2008: the butterfly effect

This post is an update on The Matsuri event as well as for the sake of XR who asked me if this event is confirmed. So XR, here's the information you wished to know off! Thank you for asking so nicely at my tag board!
Information below taken from forum.

The Matsuri 2008: the butterfly effect poster below:


4pm- 9.30pm Official JRock Bands Competition 2008
Individuals and bands to perform/ complete at the MATSURI, whereas the winner(s) will be promote and groom further as recording artiste/ band. The bands comprising youths will be encouraged to display their music talents & showmanship in this series of JROCK Bands Competition.

Each participating band is required to perform 4 songs either in covers or original(preferred), of which at least 2 songs to be in Japanese and the 3rd can have the option of Jap or English.

• Technique & Skills 25% • Diction 20% • Showmanship 25% • Presentation 30%

5 pm Best JRock Cosplayers
Individual 2 positions
Group 1 positions

Parade in your best costumes, mimic the voice, appearance, dressing and even manner of your idols and pose for the cameras.
Each participating group is required to present at least 1 song (CD Music) or imitate their action/ speech…etc of at least 3min on stage

• Impersonating skills 20% • Dressing 25% • Showmanship 25% • Presentation 30%

6 pm Best Dresser Award
Being selection of the “Best” dressers in
1) Punk 2 positions
2) Gothic 2 positions
3) Lolita 2 positions

Participants got to parade in their best outfit(s), Self-introduction and pose for the cameras in a 3min stage presentation.

• Self-Introduction 25% • Dressing 25% • Speech 25% • Overall Presentation 25%

7pm Best Cross Dresser Award
Male 1 position
Female 1 position

Cross dress, appearance, dressing and even manner and pose for the cameras.
Each participating individuals is required to pose, walk …and do whatever things that will make you shine on stage (No vulgarities or obscenity) for at least 3min on stage
PLEASE THIS IS NOT A DRAG SHOW. Organiser got rights to reject any contestant(s)

• Impersonating skills 35% • Dressing 35% • Showmanship 15% • Presentation 15%

Manga Art Competition (Traditional/ Digital)
Create, illustrate & produce a write-up of your original character(s). Artwork (A3 sized) must be mounted on blackboard with 2 inch border all round.
Submit artwork at event booth

5pm Cosplay AllStars Contest 2008
(Individual/ Team)
cosplay in your best character outfit based on Anime, Manga, Games & Movie. Selection of elite cosplayers. Exciting artiste/ cosplayer packages to be awarded

7 pm Best “Original” Character & Costume Award
(Individual/ Team)

cosplay character(s) created by yourself!
Submit artwork(s) & short write-up of the character(s)

Winner(s) will be promote and groom further as artiste. Will be encouraged to display their skills in makeup, costume making, acting talents & showmanship in this series of Cosplay Competition.

Each participating individual/ group is required to present and do a short description of the character(s) they created/ cosplay on stage

Hope that these information helps,XR!!! =D

I will be going to both days with Elie. For the Jrock, I will be wearing clothes that you always find on Singapore streets. As for the Cosplay, I will be wearing my recently bought Baby, The Stars Shine Bright lolita full dress with the Infant blouse in the inside(details to be posted in a new post with pictures). In this way, Adelyn will have a chance to see my Lolita and also Elie-chan's for she will be wearing her Infant full dress as well! =^0^=

Friday, February 15, 2008

Small Cosplay(Cafe)Gathering@North Vista Secondary*Latest Update!*

What:Small Cosplay Cafe for Pop Concert Cum Arts Carnival
Help to spread the Japanese Culture!!!

All profits earned during this event will go to the school fund for building Indoor Sports Hall(ISH)!
Location: Its in Sengkang. More information at Official School Website or Wikipedia.
North Vista Secondary School
11 Rivervale Link
Singapore (545081)

When:28th June 2008 (Saturday)

Time:To be updated
Entry Fee:Its free!

Dress Code: We welcome people wearing Cosplay Costumes/Lolita/Maid/Punk/Gothic/Butler/Harajuku/JRock/Visual kei etc. People who are not wearing costumes but wish to drop by and support are welcomed too! Visitors are allowed to roam around the school compound but do remember to bide by the rules.

-No rude,rowdy,rough,hentai,yaoi or yuri behavior is allowed on the school grounds.
-ANY unlawful acts such as vandalising of school properties, theft and etc will be handed over to school disciplinary, campus security or the police.
-NO smoking allowed in school grounds.
-No sharp weapons. Weapons MUST be blunt.
-No littering in school grounds. Please keep it clean and green.
-Cameras are allowed but no hentai,yaoi or yuri shots.
Helpers needed!!
We have taken up IzumiKu's from Singapore Cafe Forum suggestions on a cosplay/maid cafe.
We need at least 10 helpers to serve drinks and food to customers! It is just like a Cosplay/Lolita/Maid/Punk/Gothic/Butler/Harajuku/JRock/Visual kei etc Cafe! Please note that you will not earn any money out of this for this is going to be a free willing task! We are going to be serve customers as well so its not only just you who will be doing that!
Requirements for Helpers:
-Wearing Cosplay Costumes/Lolita/Maid/Punk/Gothic/Butler/Harajuku/JRock/Visual kei etc
-Need not be handsome or pretty
-If you are cosplaying, at least 90% similarity to the character you are cosplaying will be wonderful.
What helpers will be doing&what helpers can/don't need to do during the event
-Serving food and drinks to potential customers
-Helpers are allowed to roam around the school grounds when there's no customers. HOWEVER If you need to take a toilet break or just need a little breather away from us , do tell us! We will allow it for you are already being very kind to us for helping us!
-You might still need to pose for pictures for those curious ones who are intrigued by this culture!
-You do not need to prepare the food! We will prepare it and you will just help us serve customers with us!
PM me with details below
*What are you wearing.
-Genre of the clothes(Eg.Lolita,Punk etc)
-Picture of the clothes attached
*If you are cosplaying,
-Name of the series
-Name of the character with a picture of the character of the clothes you are wearing attached
-A picture of you cosplaying the character
I will reply as soon as I can and inform you on more details such as the timing in which hopefully you will reach there.
*If you did not sign up for helping us but wishes to lend us a hand at the event itself, you are very much welcome!*

Please let me know if you(helpers) are going to back out at least 3 days before the actual event! But backing out is not advisable!

List of helpers
-Hikoto from singapore cafe forum will be wearing Bodyline Walolita
-+neko-ningx+ from sgclub will be wearing either Lolita or Cosplay
-Kaikyo from sgclub*pending*
-elieang from sgclub

If you do have any questions, feel free to ask here or PM me!