Thursday, November 02, 2006

Death Note(movie)

It was ages ago when i first read the preview manga of Death Note in Shonen was better then any other preview manga i had read before.even so,i had forgotten about it after reading the preview manga.but when i agreed to go out to the malls with Kagome and two of her not very close school friends on 31 November 2006,i wasn't prepared for the fact that Kagome wanted to watch the movie Death Note(デスノート).Kagome didn't inform me that she was going to watch movies during our stay at the mall!luckily,i had brought enough money for the ticket.turns up that she was also worried about me being afraid to watch scary movies so she was afraid that i will not be able to accept it.i was like'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?'.that's because ever since i had know that the movie Death Note is going to be broadcast in cinemas here,i was itching to go and watch as i know that if the manga is quite good,then the movie will be good as well,and Kagome is asking if i mind watching death Note?!plus,the movie is rated PG so it can't be too scary plus according to the manga of Death note,i know that it can't be too scary!so i watched the story and it's great!!!!!!!!!i can't wait to watch the second movie デスノート-The Last's going to be great!yay!the L is so cute!Also, 'Death Note' (死亡笔记) was released here on October 19 2006, with English and Chinese subtitles. News has it that the second movie, "Death Note: The Last Name" will be released in Singapore on December 28 2006 with English and Chinese subtitles.i am keeping my fingers crossed!


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