Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quick update of what's going on....

All right everyone! Just in case someone says that I have been slacking in the blogging department, I am so not and typing this quick and short update on my life is the evidence. I got to hurry on finishing this post as I still have a project on my hand which is due this Thursday which is when we have to present our work to the whole class. Technically saying, there's not much except on finishing and perfecting some editing to be done which I had been slacking off with. But seriously speaking, I think that it's such a boring task for the information can put someone to sleep. But what can I say? This is what my teacher asked us to do and we just have to cooperate or else we will get it from our teacher. Anyway, I will be explaining about the following happenings in detail when I have time in a new post. Currently, there's couple of things going on like for example, the 14Days 13 Nights New Zealand trip in November which I hope that I will get in, couple of projects and also that unfortunate presentation marathon today that had me cursing the person who invented projects. Besides that, I also have to change my passport photos! I am currently trying to save lots and lots of money now so just wish me good luck! How I wish that I have at least a 2GB memory card for my digital camera~! I am going to post on National Day's song and also on Uglies soon! Anyways, more on all these subjects later when I am more free...

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