Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Many thanks....(my trip to NZ)

Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my trip to New Zealand and back. Many thanks to(in random order) Vivien,Elie,Emeline,Adelyn and Suven. Sorry if your name is not mentioned here for I can't remember all of the names. I just saw some of your well wishes only yesterday and today. :P Elie has requested for me to put up the pictures I taken during my trip to New Zealand. I will do so tomorrow after I finished charging my camera battery and uploaded the pictures into my computer. It might take some time for I have a couple hundred pictures and videos together. I will pick some of the higher quality pictures and put it up on my blog. So keep a watch out on my blog this past few days!

I have sent an email to Danielle, my host student for 5 days in New Zealand, yesterday but there's no reply yet. I hope that she will reply soon!

I am one shade darker and sun burned(1st degree). You can never underestimate the UV rays of the sun in New Zealand. That's because as the air in New Zealand is not so polluted, there's nothing to prevent the harmful rays from coming in. To think that my mother was still wondering why sun block and cap is included in the packing list which the school gave us. Some patches of my skin is in darker shade while some are in my lighter shade, the shade I was in when I left Singapore for New Zealand. The reason was because I was peeling from being sun burned and my darker shade of skin peeled off along with it. That's great since I prefer me in a lighter shade. I do not like getting tanned. For me, I prefer me being fair with a nice rosy shade on cheeks. Not those kind of ghostly fair. That's a part of my definition of pretty girls/teenagers/woman. I guess that's all for today. Am off to eat my very late dinner now! =^0^=

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I am back in Singapore!!!
Finally after 14 days in New Zealand, I am back in Singapore. I arrived today, 27 November 2007, at about 6.30am. More details will be posted later for I am going to eat my dinner now!! =^0^=

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Celebrating Deepavali@Indrani's Hse

Yesterday(10 November 2007,Saturday), was such a fun day! One of my friend, Indrani, invited me to her house for a sort of celebration for Deepavali. She told me to go to her house at around 2pm after giving me her address and the name of the LRT station that was nearby her house. After alighting from the LRT station, one of my classmates saw me and asked if I was going to Indrani's house too. We both waited at the LRT station for Indrani to lead us to her house. Upon reaching there, I noticed several familiar faces. I sat on a chair beside the sofa and began snacking on some tidbits that were laid on the table.(I especially like a small ball that was really crunchy.) Small wine glasses filled with F&N drinks was given to us. The colours of the F&N drinks(namely grape and a yellow coloured drink which I don't know of the name) l=in a wine glasses made it look especially like we were drinking some kind of sparkling wine. After Indrani's brother's friends have eaten, I went to sit down at the dining table and her parents immediately started filling my paper plate with rice, curry chicken, mixed vegetables and also prawns. This was the first time I am eating Indian food so this was an eye opener for me. Indrani's parents seems to be afraid that we do not have enough food on our plates, and kept refilling them. We had to stop them from doing so as we were too full to eat. This scene reminds me of a shop in Japan that sells noodles in a bowl. You have to finish all the noodles in the bowl and shout "Stop", put on the lid to prevent the waitress from refilling the bowl again. In chinese it was called 一口面. After that horror movies like Evil Dead 1 and 2 was played on the TV. Around 5pm+, after we finished watching Evil Dead 2, we went into Indrani room and she helped us to do henna for free(Starting price is around $5 and the longer it is the more expensive it is). Indrani draw really fast and is able to finish one within 5minutes. She just uses imagination and draw on the stop. This is my first time having henna and I never imagined it to be done by my friend. After that, she poured some medicated oil on the design to make it last longer. Meng Yun, who was also going to New Zealand, bought a tube of Henna($1.50) from Indrani as she wanted to show the New Zealanders. I intended to do so(as in show the New Zealanders my henna) and wanted to buy a tube of henna to try to draw some designs on myself for fun. I found out from Indrani that it can be bought from Rivervale Plaza. After that, I took some picture and we left her house at around 6pm+. I waited until around 8pm before washing off the henna as I hope that the design will not fade when I am at the New Zealand host family.


The Artist(aka. Indrani) at work!

Henna Design on Meng Yun

Henna Design on ME!

No flashlight Henna Design on ME!

Henna Design On ME After Washing

What do you think of the design????