Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Many thanks....(my trip to NZ)

Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my trip to New Zealand and back. Many thanks to(in random order) Vivien,Elie,Emeline,Adelyn and Suven. Sorry if your name is not mentioned here for I can't remember all of the names. I just saw some of your well wishes only yesterday and today. :P Elie has requested for me to put up the pictures I taken during my trip to New Zealand. I will do so tomorrow after I finished charging my camera battery and uploaded the pictures into my computer. It might take some time for I have a couple hundred pictures and videos together. I will pick some of the higher quality pictures and put it up on my blog. So keep a watch out on my blog this past few days!

I have sent an email to Danielle, my host student for 5 days in New Zealand, yesterday but there's no reply yet. I hope that she will reply soon!

I am one shade darker and sun burned(1st degree). You can never underestimate the UV rays of the sun in New Zealand. That's because as the air in New Zealand is not so polluted, there's nothing to prevent the harmful rays from coming in. To think that my mother was still wondering why sun block and cap is included in the packing list which the school gave us. Some patches of my skin is in darker shade while some are in my lighter shade, the shade I was in when I left Singapore for New Zealand. The reason was because I was peeling from being sun burned and my darker shade of skin peeled off along with it. That's great since I prefer me in a lighter shade. I do not like getting tanned. For me, I prefer me being fair with a nice rosy shade on cheeks. Not those kind of ghostly fair. That's a part of my definition of pretty girls/teenagers/woman. I guess that's all for today. Am off to eat my very late dinner now! =^0^=

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