Monday, December 10, 2007

My computer is spoilt!!!

Everyone out there! Just for your information, my computer is spoilt so I wouldn't get a chance to go online unless I use my school libraries computer or I get my computer fixed(which I hope that its soon). But as for now, I am either waiting for my brother's friend to get it fixed(but he's busy at the moment)or for my dad to bring to to some shop and get it fixed. So I wouldn't be able to reply to your emails or tags so quickly and if you have anything to ask me, its best to call me(you know my number)or sms me. One major bummer about this is that if I have to get my computer fixed, it seems that the only way to get it fixed was to reformat it. Guess what? Idoitic me didn't do any backup for my newer files even after that last lesson which the computer was spoilt by the very same person(or so it seems) and I lose all my files. Noooo~~!!! I do not wish to lose all my UGLLIES news,series pictures,wallpapers etc,songs,bookmarks and files!!!

By the way, the only thing that can comfort me is that I have bought and finished reading EXTRAS from Borders using my brother's gift card. But that would be another story to tell in another post...probably when my computer is repaired. Then I will post the pictures of my trip to New Zealand up too...

P.S By the way, EXTRAS is indeed an excellent book(although I couldn't get use to the idea of e new main character at first However, if I were to choose between UGLIES trilogy and EXTRAS, I would choose UGLIES trilogy. I am sort of undecided about EXTRAS...however if I was given the choice to choose to or not to buy it, I would buy it for it worth the read and this let you see things from a different point.) and guess what, some of the events take place in the future Singapore too!!! ^0^

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