Monday, December 17, 2007

SOY cosplay'08:"The Beginning" Presented by Japanese Tsubasa anyone??

Yes yes yes!!! My computer was returned back to us on around 14 Dec 2007 after being sent to the shop to reformat(T.T)....I lost all data but at least I got my computer back!! Almost two weeks of no internet access!!!

By the way, I am very very sad to announce that I had yet missed another Cosplay event!! GRRR!! Just when I vowed to attend the very next event! It was held in the EXPO on 15 Dec 07 (Sat) and I knew nothing of it until the very next day when one of my friends asked me if I did attend the cosplay event which I knew nothing about. Gosh. Luckily she was kind enough to send me photo....and I am glad to say that I found a forum that have all these cosplay events updates so I will not miss another cosplay event again! There's a cosplay event going on 26 Jan 08 (Sat)! I think that I am going and I hope that Elie will go with me too! Of course if you wish to go with me as well, just contact me! =^0^= I am not going cosplay by the way!! I wish to but its too expensive and my parents will not allow me. T.T I will just go there and take pictures using my camera!!!(MUST remember to charge it) My first ever cosplay event ever!! I am so excited!!* *as you can see by my high number of usage of exclamation marks... (^.^)Y*

Details below:ripped from forum.


Hi everyone!! We, the Japanese Tsubasa Club in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, are proud to present, SOY cosplay’08: “The Beginning”!!!

And yes, SOY is pronounced as soy in soy bean, but we ain’t related to any soy products. SOY means Start Of Year as it should be the first cosplay event of the new year. And why “The Beginning” ?It is due to the fact that, this will be the first standalone cosplay event that we are hosting. We hope to make this a yearly or bi-yearly event, so please come down in your costumes or with your cameras and support us.

Some details about the event:

It is a FREE event. NO entry fees and it is open to all! You dun need to be a student from Ngee Ann to come and join in!!
There will be a solo and group cosplay competition. And there will be prizes!!! The rules and more details about the competitions will be up soon.
And like any other Cosplay events, there will be booths set up for rent. Rental fees and more details on it will be up soon.
There will be a bag storage system so you can drop off your bags with us while you have fun at the event, but note that there will be a fee for the bag storage, details in the time to come.

Date: 26th Jan 2008 [Saturday]
Time: 11am to 7pm.
Location: Ngee Ann Polytechnic, The Atrium [block 1]
No entry fees!
Website: *not ready yet, will post it up when it is ready!*

How to get there?
Please try to come by the Main gate.
These buses stop near the main gate: 74,151,154,61,75 and 184

You can take 74 from dover MRT (heading to towards Hougang/ west bound)
154 and 184 from Clementi MRT (opposite of the Macdonald)

If driving, Come by Clementi Road.

If there are any personal, private or official queries and questions, Please email pr[at]soy-japtsubasa[dot]net

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