Friday, December 21, 2007

Cosplayers I hope to see there???

As some of you knows, there's a 99.99% that I will be going to the SOY cosplay'08:"The Beginning" at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I think that a good cosplay must seems to be quite natural and not over the top. In my opinion, having a good cosplay must have excellent choice of costumes and equipments using the correct materials and colours so that it looks as close to the anime/manga/game as possible. Also, you must be of the same kind of build. I hate it when hair and makeup are over the top so that it looks hilarious. The way you speak,act,expressions you have, and the aura you give out must be the way the character does it. I think sometimes less is more and being more natural might be better than one of which is not.So I am hoping that lots of really good Cosplayers will go there...then at least I will be able to get lots of pictures!!! What characters do I hope to see at the event? Below are just some of the characters that I hope will be cosplayed nicely. Hoping that the number of failure cosplay will be very low...

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Cloud Strife

How could you do without Cloud? He's so handsome!!! But it might be tad tricky to pull him off for you must be handsome(at least the features must be evenly spaced) and your hair must not be overly gelled. Some of the cosplayers I saw who cosplayed as Cloud out way too much hair gel in their hair making it look incredibly weird and sticking out all over the place. Your hair needs to look soft and touchable...not rock hard!!!

Tifa Lockhart

Nice cosplay of Tifa
This one tries to mimics the original pose in the movie as shown in the picture above.

Another nice one...

Tifa is quite a beauty and she has a incredibly unique aura that I just can't put my hands on. You have to have that type of aura in able to really be like her.

Vincent Valentine

Always the mysterious one. Once again, I tend to find that people with an mysterious aura might do well for this for its not just about the clothes and costumes cosplaying. You have to act like them. The expressions and the aura will undoubtedly help.


Nice cosplay of Reno
I think that this one is quite well done for the hair is not over the top.

I find him as the "action guy" in the movie. It seems that he is always the one who talks the most and yet does not really gives not a lot of help. He's quite a laugh. You just can't find a moody person cosplaying him ....

People who are cosplaying as characters from this anime/manga are commonly found and yet very little of them have totally outdone themselves.

Naruto Uzumaki

Nice cosplay of Naruto
The hair colour and style is not exactly the same but I love the fact that how its not so full of gel and looks really natural.

A very bubbly and optimistic person and thats what makes me love Naruto. His keep trying attitude makes me really admire him.


He used to be a child who had hopes for the world. But when the situation make him realized that nobody loves and care for him, the only way was to only love and fight for himself. Thus, a teenager full of hatred for the world.(But of course in the later part of the story he learned to love again.) I actually despised Gaara when I started watching Naruto. But after I watched the episode on Gaara's sad childhood life, I pity him and finally understand what made him behave that way. I admire him one way or another.

Rock Lee

Another one who is so optimistic and have the never say die spirit. Very cute and bubbly....enough said.

That's all the characters I can currently think of...below are some good cosplays of characters from Naruto...
Shino Aburame

Neji Hyuga

Devil May Cry

I got to know him when my brother bought the PS2 Devil May Cry game. He was on the cover of the package he's just so cool!

It's incredibly hard to look and be exactly the same as the character is. But if you want to cosplay, why not try to strike lottery first? But it's still possible to cosplay by stretching your budget if you do know how to sew incredibly well. Then you can make your own costumes.

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