Saturday, November 08, 2008

Information below ripped from here along with some editing of my own.

Black Alice has released Lucky Packs for this season! It includes clothes/items from:
Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
Angelic Pretty
Innocent World

There are basically 2 types of sets:
1. Cutsew/Skirt (4 Items)
1 x Cutsew
1 x Skirt
AND any 2 of the following:
Tote Bag

2. Jumper Skirt / OP (3 Items)
1 x JSK or OP
And any 2 of the following:
Tote Bag

Example Pictures of Lucky Packs:
Type 1 (Cutsew/Skirt)

Type 2 (JSK/OP)

The above Lucky Packs are already at our store, and they are going for $269 each. If you missed the previous batch, here's your chance to get them again.

Thank you very much, and have a great weekend ahead!

After reading that particular post, I was torn. $269 for a Lucky Pack! That's consider cheap when it's concerning branded Lolita clothes.

Let's say Person A is going to get Type 1 and all the stuff inside is by Baby, The Stars Shine Bright(BTSSB).
The items Person A gotten are:
All prices are in Singapore Dollars.
1 x Cutsew(132★741)----------Estimated Cheapest Cost:$83
1 x Skirt(132★727)-----------Estimated Cheapest Cost:$188.61
Socks(132★017)---------------Estimated Cheapest Cost:$20.78
Headdress(132★008)-----------Estimated Cheapest Cost:$46.35
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST---------------------------------:$338.74

This cost is just the cheapest items of BTSSB! What if you get the expensive items? You will save much more and maybe even couple hundreds of dollars! However, I only have $554 and if I do buy a lucky pack, I will only have $285 left! What if the items inside are not suitable for my Graduation High Tea or not my type? Gosh. Just by voicing out my thoughts here, I have decided that I will not buy the Lucky Pack. It's too much of a risk since everything is jumbled up and I don't wish to spend $269 on the possibility of getting something that I don't like.

There's several problems that I have encountered on getting the clothes I want for Graduation High Tea which is on Thursday,13 November 2008.
1)There's no whitexwhite lace socks in store at Black Alice!
2)I just realized that wearing black pannier under a light coloured skirt will show! I need to get/borrow a white pannier and I don't have enough money/time to order!
3)I need more money!
4)The pair of shoes which I want might not be able to fit me!


I should have thought of these sooner!~

Only 4 more days to Graduation High tea and yet so many problems! O.o


*Panicks away*

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