Saturday, June 03, 2006

Movies,movies n more movies

i had just watch

on last thursday.the movie was lyk sooo ultra cool!!!!seriously,i tink tat tis s definetly much more beta den Harry Potter And The Goblet Of bro was about 2 fall asleep during the harry potter movie n i had 2 poke him every 10 mins 2 keep him awake.but the X-men 3:The Last Stand was soo cool w/ all the gr8 scene n sound effect tat it was lyk WOW! tat's soo cool!2 bad it's the last movie 4 the x-men.but seriously,if there s ever a chance 4 me 2 hav super powers,i will choose storm powers.tink bout it,controling weather was lyk soo cool!dun believe?c tis pic!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i tink tat the ending 4 Jean Grey

s jus sooo sad...i mean she can't be blamed tat she can't control her huge power n have a spilt personality called Dark Phoenix

rite?here's some x-men movie poster i had found frm tis site

and 4 those pple hu wanna c a preview 4 X-men 3:The Last Stand,here's a 7.03min long preview 4 ya!

i had also just bought the VCDs 4 the inuyasha movie:the castle beyond the looking glass.tis was the movie in which Inuyasha n Kagome kiss!imagine my excitment wen i watch the move!wen inuyasha n kagome kiss,it was lyk aww~ soo sweet!i m a sucker 4 romance tat's's a video on wen inuyasha n kagome kiss

Friday, June 02, 2006

Milk Cho

You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

not so hols

I have jus came bac frm the eng oral exam..i tink tat our skool teachers r really crazy.y in the world will they conduct a oral exam during skool holidays wen all the mid yr exam had finish n the report book had been given 2 us?go n take a medical checkup!last 2 days I had been attending the eng day camp frm 9am to 4.15pm.r they crazy?i had 2 sit through all those boring talks of my ah moh instructor,fran.seriously,he s PERVERTED!keeping sayin wat w/ the ex-wife n get his hse get his cars,heartbreak…n wat’s more he keep calling the gals darling!talk about major YUCK!he s not even handsome at ALL.think a ah moh man hu look lyk in his 40s,160+++cm tall,weight?,hair balding,eye colour black/brown,n w/ lots of golden hair on his arms!he s soo handsome NOT!frankly,almost all the instructors were not very young n had 2 b at least 30+ w/ exceptions of 1 instructor.he s veri veri veri cute!tink tall(dunno how tall but taller den me 4 sure),sense of humor,blue eyes,should b bout age 20++,cute n did I mention cute?haha~...2 bad he s not our instructor!2 justify his cuteness,well~,wen he walk past our classroom,all the girls in my class except me practically scream!