Saturday, June 03, 2006

Movies,movies n more movies

i had just watch

on last thursday.the movie was lyk sooo ultra cool!!!!seriously,i tink tat tis s definetly much more beta den Harry Potter And The Goblet Of bro was about 2 fall asleep during the harry potter movie n i had 2 poke him every 10 mins 2 keep him awake.but the X-men 3:The Last Stand was soo cool w/ all the gr8 scene n sound effect tat it was lyk WOW! tat's soo cool!2 bad it's the last movie 4 the x-men.but seriously,if there s ever a chance 4 me 2 hav super powers,i will choose storm powers.tink bout it,controling weather was lyk soo cool!dun believe?c tis pic!

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i tink tat the ending 4 Jean Grey

s jus sooo sad...i mean she can't be blamed tat she can't control her huge power n have a spilt personality called Dark Phoenix

rite?here's some x-men movie poster i had found frm tis site

and 4 those pple hu wanna c a preview 4 X-men 3:The Last Stand,here's a 7.03min long preview 4 ya!

i had also just bought the VCDs 4 the inuyasha movie:the castle beyond the looking glass.tis was the movie in which Inuyasha n Kagome kiss!imagine my excitment wen i watch the move!wen inuyasha n kagome kiss,it was lyk aww~ soo sweet!i m a sucker 4 romance tat's's a video on wen inuyasha n kagome kiss

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