Saturday, July 15, 2006

The frustrating tale of my computer

i am sure that everyone will have at least a computer and a printer.and those with printer will realised that when their printer becomes spoilt,life will be very very difficult for so?let me printer had not been used for about 6 months(yes,sadly 6 months) as it was spoilt.when i requested my dad to go and take the computer to fix it.he promised so i waited patiently for him to take it to fix,but 6 months have past and he has not yet to make a move.i think that perhaps he has forgotten or maybe he just doesnt't want to take it to fix.sadly,that's not the only problem i have with my are some other problems:computer is unable to read any other language besides english,i cannot upload images from my handphone to computer,unable to load songs from computer to my mp3...that's just a few can survive like that?
+-+Kagome Higurashi+-+

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