Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Looking at the past...

after rummaging through my collection of class photos,i came upon my primary four photo.looking at it,i can't believe how much i had change.i am sure that if i use my primary school photo and show it to my friends,my friends will not be able to recgonise me.some of my classmates have also matured in their looks.i cannot believe that the person who is in the same class in me in primary four looks so different the photo,the person still have a baby face.but now the person had indeed matured in looks.time can really change a person...also,i had found a primary six photo and there's yet a pic of another guy.this time,it's his expressions that is very funny.he was frowning poutily and the effect?hilarious!i laugh for ages after looking at it.^^

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