Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tarot Tales....

it's been sometime that i haven't been touching my deck of tarot cards.i don't know the reason but lately i been itching to touch the deck and do some readings for myself even though i promise myself that i will start again on the tarot lessons after the exams.but i just can't resist the temptation of knowing what is going on with my life.even though i can't say that my readings are very accurate.some of the readings i had done are usually off from real life.but i can still practise more.and about the 2 readings i had recently done,i am surprised with the of the readings is very much close to what's happening around me but the other reading result was very very surprising!i can't tell you what it's about but the current situation looks like the reading result!by now you should have guess what the reading is about.if you didn't guess then that's too bad!let's name this very surprising reading as bishounen reading so i don't have to say very surprising reading every time.i will keep you all informed on if this bishounen reading is true!

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