Monday, April 16, 2007

Clues to buy my perfect birthday present..

so as my birthday approaches, some of my dear friends must have wondered what to get for me as birthday present? well...the answer is actually very you see my wish list? take a good look at it! i had already specify very clearly what i wanted. you might want to try your luck by looking the list of things i want, and then buy the things i wanted and give it to me! i will be very very grateful and touched for after all, these are the things i wanted! but if you are scared that you may just end up buying the same thing with some of my other friends, here are some tips below on my likes and dislikes to make sure that you will get a present i love...

alright, let's start with things i don't like.
my Dislikes (not in order...)
yes...i know that lots of girls love cute cute cuddly soft toys, but sorry, that's not the case for me. i don't like any thing that's have to do soft toys. i might ohhh and ahh when i see some incredibly cute soft toy but that does not have to mean that i like it! it's just my natural girl instinct to be tickled by cute things. some examples included in the no soft toys category are key chains with soft toys, or things that have soft toys that come along with it...
things that the uses are only for decorating a house...i believe that i do not need to elaborate on it...
these are things that i could think for now...i will add on later if i think of any more clues to give...
let's go on to my likes...
things i PREFER TO RECEIVE (not in order...)
like the heading suggest, i prefer things that are useful. for example, set of glittery pens, notebook, photo album etc. things that i can actually use in real life are much , in my opinion, better than those i mentioned in my dislikes list. you might be surprised at how these ordinary things might appeal more to me than soft toys and decorative items.
jewellery like earrings, necklaces, bracelets are long as things that are proven to be useful, it's alright....
hope that you have a better idea of what are my preferences now!

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