Sunday, June 17, 2007

What i hav been doin in e hols

time really does...where has all it gone to??? i have only a week more before the dreaded school lessons starts once more. it's not that i really hate going to school, but having to wake up early in the morning is seriously a big turn off to me. also, not to mention the stupid tasks/assignments/projects we have to complete in such a short's like all the teachers had planned before hand to make sure that we do get all the tasks/assignments/projects at the same time and finish by the same deadline too. it's only one week left before school re-opens and i haven't even get started on any of mine projects and school holiday homework....i really ought to get started on it otherwise i will not have a great time by the time the next weekend comes. i said that because that i can pratically visualize myself sloughing over the projects and homework last minute on satuarday and sunday. that's what i am trying to prevent. but i just haven't gotten my heart into getting around to do my's seems so funny now thinking back that i actually intended to get started on the holiday homework in the first week of the holidays...well...that's a laugh considering that i didn't even take a glance at the holidays homework....but luckily, i am going to my school's library to complete the Social Studies project with my several other team i guess that that is indeed a good start.

last week thursday(14 June 2007) was my primary 6 class first gathering in the past two and a half years. it seems that why we would have a class gathering after so long. maybe it was the fact that when one of my classmates, Huiting, create a class blog, it made us bonded again. it's was amazing on how everyone was scattered around, busying themselves with their own life and when Huiting created this blog, news were passed down from one to another and suddenly lots of my former classmates were gathered at this blog, tagging at the tagboard. it is as if there's some invisible force pulling each of us towards it and it also made us curious of what's going on with the other former classmates? thus, with the help of Amanda and Huiting, news of the class gathering was posted on the class blog and quite alot of my former classmates know about it. the time and place was 11.45am at CP MRT Station exit. surprisingly, my friends (Suven, Emeline, Yanli) and I were the first one to reach there even though we were late by couple of minutes. i thought that we would be the only ones to be there and there was a rather disapointing thought. but two of my former classmates appear...we decided to go to KFC to eat lunch while waiting for the other slowpokes. gradually, more of our former classmates begin to arrive at the KFC. eventually, there were 8 girls(Suven, Emeline, Yanli, me, Huiting, Amanda and Min Hui)and 9 boys(Shafik, Samson, Randy, Joel, Gabriel, Samuel, Darren, Weng Hong and Kai Ren) attended the class gathering. we actually planned to go to a park to cycle, enjoy the beach etc. , but somehow we ended up at my ex-chinese teacher house. at first i was rather worried that her dog might be like Polar's(Polar is Elie's dog.)kind. those which always bark whenever strangers come near or past by the house. but luckily, Donut(my chinese teacher's dog name. it's a female.)is a very quiet and well behaved dog!! she was rather overjoyed(i think)to see us and kept running back and forth to each of us so that we can pat her. plus, her fur is so fluffy!!! wait a minute, i am not talking about Sesshoumaru's fur thingy...but Donut's fur is like Sesshoumaru's fur thingy as it is very very fluffy and soft to touch~! we stayed there for a while before going to a bowling arena....that pretty much sums up my day....if you would ask me about what i think about the gathering? i will say that it's meaningful. even though years have passed, they are still pretty much the same. joking around all the reminds me of the days when i am still innocent...pretty much fun...and much more relax....

so those who complained that i always didn't update my blog, are you sastified with my post now???

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