Sunday, August 26, 2007

Braids are oldies? I don't think so.(My opinions)

Some unnamed person tagged at my tagboard asking me on why do I want to braid my hair as it such oldies. But I don't think so for given the pictures which latest hairstyles magazines provided, stars are wearing their hair with braids. They are suppose to be the trendsetter aren't they? If you improvise the braids which their hairstylist did, there's no way that the look is oldies. Perhaps I did not make myself clear in my post and thus that resulted to some misconception on my idea of braiding my hair. Below are some recent pictures to show that stars do wear braids as well and it's not oldies if you just know how to do it the right way.

Below: April 2007 American Seventeen issue

Below: April 2007 American Seventeen issue with Molly Sims(No 6) wearing French Braid at the crown of her head.

Below: April 2007 American Seventeen issue with Molly Sims wearing French Braid at the crown of her head.

Below: Emily Osment taken 06-02-2007 wearing braids.

Below: Rachel McAdams wearing braids taken as of 14-03-2007.

These are just some of the picture I found of stars wearing braids. I have more of them in my magazines collections. The American Seventeen magazine is providing us ways of reinventing our looks with French braids! So why should it be considered oldies if magazines are featuring braids? But thanks to this unnamed person for commenting on my style as I had asked for suggestions and comments on the hairstyle I am going to get and this person did heed my call. So thanks anyway!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Too cool to be true: School's National Day Celebration 2007

Some people might think that a school way of celebrating the nation birthday might be very boring. But personally, I think for this year school celebration for Singapore 42th birthday, the school had certainly outdone itself. The parade and the speech was as usual, but luckily it was kept quite short so it's certainly bearable. But the main difference in past year and this year concert could be seen clearly. The concert program was well thought for. Unlike the previous year concerts, the school did not choose to include all the performance arts CCA into the concert, but only allow the school Choir and the Modern Dance to have a chance to perform. After watching the parade, the whole 1500 students flooded into the tiny hall and one of the backstage crew was holding the microphone and kept screaming at us, quite rudely I dare say, to sit down quickly and not to choose our favourite seating spot as many of the students are going to come in soon. After more hustle bustle around, and also after rejecting 2 calls from an unknown number to my hand phone(it was in silent mode.), all the students finally settled down while the stage crew was frantically trying to set up the stage. One of the teachers took over the microphone and pleaded with us to use the background music as a guide for our noise level and not to let our noise level cover the background music which was playing on the speaker. Finally two Secondary 2 host came out and greeted us. The concert offically began with a short 15 minutes video about the history of Singapore. The rest of the program consists of Jam Band Competition, Singapore Quizzes during intervals, Modern Dance dancing, 3T class dancing and Choir singing(encouraging us to sing as well) as an finale. But I will be commenting only on the Jam Band Competition, Modern Dance dancing and the big finale for the Choir.

There's only 3 bands performing and competing for the 3 places. Looks like most of the people are really into studies or either is that they just don't bother to join. So among the 3 bands, one of the bands is a combination of 2 of our classmates and 1 from E4. They are all boys. The other one of the bands is all boys while another band consists of 2 girls and 2 boys. The judges were the teachers and our Vice Principal. I wondered if they know how to appreciate our music..... >.<||| The first band which came out had on costumes loose ties and suit. There's a screen behind each time the band plays so the band could use the video as an advantage to show a video of the original artist singing etc. But although the music is nice, I could hardly hear what the singer is singing about. Maybe it's because that the microphone is not of good quality, but they certainly do not have the "IT" thing to capture the audience attention. They were performing some typical rock 'noisy' English language song and I was covering my ears the whole time because it was just so loud. In the end the first band got the last place. The second band is the one that got the first place. When the host announced what song the band will be performing, I couldn't hear it properly. I could only hear that the song name was called "Butterfly". So I was speaking to Elie about that I think Mariah Carey did sing a song called "Butterfly" and wondered if they were going to perform the song. But then, when they began to play the introduction and the video behind starts playing, guess what the video is playing? It's playing a video on the Digimon! WOW!!! Me being a super fan lover of Japanese animation and anime songs, was of course, absolutely excited! I never imagined that they could perform Japanese songs!!!! So I instantly forget about protecting my ears from the loud music and started to enjoy every moment of the band members playing the introduction for the song when a girl who looks like a native Japanese with messy braids in her hair came out from the backstage to the stage and started to sing. YES! She's singing Japanese song! Her voice is a bit more clearer than the other bands. I enjoyed this band performance the most. =) Below is the exact video and the song she sang...
"Butterfly", Digimon Season 1 First Opening Song

Butterfly Original Full Song

Below is another nice song from Digimon

Digimon Tamers Opening, "The Biggest Dreamer" sang by Wada Kouji

In overall, the second band won the first place and the second place was given to the band our class and E4 class formed(the name of the band is "Fatal Attraction"). One thing
I am curious about is why on earth does all their costumes look like Cosplay or something? Not that I mind of course, I think that they did put out a good show.

So the whole concert ended with the Choir..... it's quite nice concert this it possible for the school to host Cosplay next year???

Thursday, August 09, 2007

New Hairstyle???

I have been pondering and toying with the idea of a new hair cut. I been wanting to do it for quite some time but I have no courage to actually do it. But after my brother's words on how my look, hair and spectacles are always old kind, I realised that it's true. After looking at a couple photos of me when I was young(I will post the photos up as soon as possible), I realised that my hair style has not changed much over the years, my spectacles, amazingly enough, even though I had it changed a few times, is actually the same design and colour. Everything that I could control about me has not change at all. Guess that it's time to step out of my safe zone, and actually make some changes about myself to keep up with the times and also, to make me look more beautiful. I will be going to cut my hair with my mother at 24 August 2007(Friday)...I have been wearing my hair in the same way for more than 4 years and I think that it should be time to get a change. Maybe getting layers for my hair? But my fringe is naturally wavy(though it's leaning a bit to the curly side ) and it's really frizzy while the rest of my hair is not very straight but I guess it will be considered as a little bit wavy. My fringe and the rest of my hair are like two contrast of each other that you wouldn't find it on the same head. But somehow it is on the head of mine. What is more frustrating is the fact that my hair was not like this when I was young. My hair was sleek, perfectly straight and healthy looking. Do you doubt my words? Look at the picture of me when I was young. For those who know me, you will surely see the differences of me now and when I was young. I think that perhaps, I was better looking and with better hair when I was young?

Me when I was young.

Is it possible to have a different style and yet to be still able to braid my hair like some of the examples shown at this site and this site ?

[EDIT@11 August 2007]

If I am still able to braid my hair, and have a great haircut that is totally for me AND also that I love it so much, of course I will get that haircut done. Putting the question on if I am still be able to braid/French braid my hair after the haircut aside, I still have some doubts as it going to be a change no matter how big the change it is. I have always worn my hair without layers with a blunt end and most of the years, having it long. I haven't change my hairstyle since Primary 2 or 3 in which I had cut it to short. It been years then and I had yet again grown it back to long hair, for my face shape is no longer suitable for long hair. So my current fear is that...what if I don't like my new cut????? yes, it will grow back again, but I have to live with it for couple months. I am still not sure about what style I wished my new hairstyle to be, but one is I am certain that it must includes the following few points:

*my hair must fall at least about 3 inches below my shoulder
*be suitable for my face shape
*be suitable for my hair type
*easy to recreate & easily maintained
*perhaps make my curls/waves nicer
*must not make it look even more frizzy
*will look awesome even if I didn't use any styling products or tools
*allows me to still be able to braid my hair
*I must love the way it looks and it must just makes me feels that I am beautiful!

Anyway, I bought 2 magazines filled with lots of hairstyles just to hopefully to get a better idea of what kind of haircut I wished to go for. Also, I am currently browsing through some websites too...I found this hair style>>> and I am loving this hairstyle! But than again, let's be realistic. My hair is not suitable for this type of hair style at all. But I just want to show everybody this hair style and how pretty the girl is. :P But there's been change of plans of when I am going for the haircut. I am no longer going to cut my hair at 24 August 2007(Friday), but I will still accompany my mother to watch the hair stylist cut and dye her hair as I wanted to choose a nice colour for her. I asked my mother's advice on if it's advisable to get a new haircut and guess what? She actually approves that too! Actually the hairstylist I have been going to had been asking me if I want to have some layers in my hair every time I went there to get my hair cut. But, every time she asked the question, I flatly refuses to, due to numerous reasons. Since my mother decided that it's time I get a change of hairstyle, I talk to my mother about if she have any ideas or what so ever. During our talk, she realised that if I want to get the message on how I want my new hairstyle to be loud and clear to the hairstylist I usually goes to, it will an impossible mission. This is due to the fact that the hairstylist loves money too much and wants to cut a person's hair as quickly as possible so that she could earn lots and lots of money in one day. So she rather not to spend time on telling and listening to your opinion on how you want it but will rather cut it as quickly as possible. This is okay for you if you are going back for a trim, but not if you wish to change your hairstyle. So having a consultation time with her is certainly a big no no. But my mother and I went there for a haircut as it's cheap at a price of $4 per adult and $3 per child. she is able to provide a service this cheap as it's at her house in which we get our haircut. But if you wish to go there to cut your hair, you must make an appointment first as she has tons of customers. So my mother suggested that I shall get my new haircut at the salon my brother frequents, as my brother can get the kind of haircut he wants there, and we don't have to make an appointment first,plus, we can get the hairstylist opinion on what kind of haircut is more suitable for me and after my new haircut, I can still return to my old hairstylist for trims if I wished to. But this salon cost $8 for each haircut per adult. So now, I guess that I shall be looking through lots of hairstyles, print out those hairstyles and ask for the hairstylist at the salon for advice. I will inform you all if I really cut my hair! =^.^=

[EDIT@12 August 2007]

I am crazy!!! I don't know that choosing a new hairstyle for myself could be so hard!!! I don't know what kind of look I want to get except for the points I have listed above. So far I have been looking through tons of magazines and websites to get a look that I like and is suitable for me. So far, I haven't even found one. The models mostly have straight hair so I do not know what the haircut would look like if it was on my hair. Though I would like to mention many thanks to SUVEN ! Thanks for offering to help me find a perfect hairstyle for me though! Though I would very much love to have bangs, it seemed to be virtually impossible to me as my fringe is wavy leaning to curly side as I have mention before, and having a fringe will be ultra messy.....besides will the haircut look as nice if it was without using hair products and tools? As you can see from my post now, I have decided to change my hairstyle!!!! TO HELL WITH THE FEARS! I am going to make sure that the hairdresser understand perfectly what I mean before she cuts my hair. Do you know of a style that might suits me? Please post at my tag board with a link of the picture of the hairstyle you think might suits me. Please be reminded that I only accept long hairstyles though. :D