Friday, August 10, 2007

Too cool to be true: School's National Day Celebration 2007

Some people might think that a school way of celebrating the nation birthday might be very boring. But personally, I think for this year school celebration for Singapore 42th birthday, the school had certainly outdone itself. The parade and the speech was as usual, but luckily it was kept quite short so it's certainly bearable. But the main difference in past year and this year concert could be seen clearly. The concert program was well thought for. Unlike the previous year concerts, the school did not choose to include all the performance arts CCA into the concert, but only allow the school Choir and the Modern Dance to have a chance to perform. After watching the parade, the whole 1500 students flooded into the tiny hall and one of the backstage crew was holding the microphone and kept screaming at us, quite rudely I dare say, to sit down quickly and not to choose our favourite seating spot as many of the students are going to come in soon. After more hustle bustle around, and also after rejecting 2 calls from an unknown number to my hand phone(it was in silent mode.), all the students finally settled down while the stage crew was frantically trying to set up the stage. One of the teachers took over the microphone and pleaded with us to use the background music as a guide for our noise level and not to let our noise level cover the background music which was playing on the speaker. Finally two Secondary 2 host came out and greeted us. The concert offically began with a short 15 minutes video about the history of Singapore. The rest of the program consists of Jam Band Competition, Singapore Quizzes during intervals, Modern Dance dancing, 3T class dancing and Choir singing(encouraging us to sing as well) as an finale. But I will be commenting only on the Jam Band Competition, Modern Dance dancing and the big finale for the Choir.

There's only 3 bands performing and competing for the 3 places. Looks like most of the people are really into studies or either is that they just don't bother to join. So among the 3 bands, one of the bands is a combination of 2 of our classmates and 1 from E4. They are all boys. The other one of the bands is all boys while another band consists of 2 girls and 2 boys. The judges were the teachers and our Vice Principal. I wondered if they know how to appreciate our music..... >.<||| The first band which came out had on costumes loose ties and suit. There's a screen behind each time the band plays so the band could use the video as an advantage to show a video of the original artist singing etc. But although the music is nice, I could hardly hear what the singer is singing about. Maybe it's because that the microphone is not of good quality, but they certainly do not have the "IT" thing to capture the audience attention. They were performing some typical rock 'noisy' English language song and I was covering my ears the whole time because it was just so loud. In the end the first band got the last place. The second band is the one that got the first place. When the host announced what song the band will be performing, I couldn't hear it properly. I could only hear that the song name was called "Butterfly". So I was speaking to Elie about that I think Mariah Carey did sing a song called "Butterfly" and wondered if they were going to perform the song. But then, when they began to play the introduction and the video behind starts playing, guess what the video is playing? It's playing a video on the Digimon! WOW!!! Me being a super fan lover of Japanese animation and anime songs, was of course, absolutely excited! I never imagined that they could perform Japanese songs!!!! So I instantly forget about protecting my ears from the loud music and started to enjoy every moment of the band members playing the introduction for the song when a girl who looks like a native Japanese with messy braids in her hair came out from the backstage to the stage and started to sing. YES! She's singing Japanese song! Her voice is a bit more clearer than the other bands. I enjoyed this band performance the most. =) Below is the exact video and the song she sang...
"Butterfly", Digimon Season 1 First Opening Song

Butterfly Original Full Song

Below is another nice song from Digimon

Digimon Tamers Opening, "The Biggest Dreamer" sang by Wada Kouji

In overall, the second band won the first place and the second place was given to the band our class and E4 class formed(the name of the band is "Fatal Attraction"). One thing
I am curious about is why on earth does all their costumes look like Cosplay or something? Not that I mind of course, I think that they did put out a good show.

So the whole concert ended with the Choir..... it's quite nice concert this it possible for the school to host Cosplay next year???

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