Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I must finish my D&T by latest this friday!!!!!!!

OH what in the world!!!! I had reached school at 7.25am today even though lessons starts at 11am. I was doing my S.S homework(only to find out that I had cross reference with the wrong source and had to re do it later that day. -_-^^^) . After that, I went to D&T room at around 8.15am. Cute, file, sand, buff till 10.30am. Went to classes after that. After lessons, I went to do my D&T again only stupid me mess up the stage and have to re do it! ARGGGHHHH! I had wasted my entire morning's work! I must finish my D&T by latest this Friday no matter what so that I can enjoy Cosfest!!!!

Wish me luck people!

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