Saturday, June 28, 2008

>>Cosfest VII Super Henshin<< 7 DAYS MORE!!

The information below is taken from here.

Into its 7th year running, Cosfest VII Super Henshin will definitely be the most exciting anime/cosplay convention in Singapore! Watch anime and manga fans dressed in their favourite character costumes compete at the Cosplay Competition.

We are also honored to host the regional Singapore Rounds of World Cosplay Summit. The winning pair will represent Singapore to compete with some of the world’s finest cosplayers in Nagoya, Japan.

On top of that, Anime Karaoke and Anime Voice Dubbing contests will be held to spice up the event. Also, visit the artist booths with their own works and comics and also the Cosplay Exhibition from Taiwan.

Come join in the fun during this 2 days event!

Date : 5 & 6 July 08
Time : 1pm to 7pm
Venue : D’ Marquee, Downtown East
Admission : Free admission

Please click here for more information.

I can't believe how time flies!!! It's only 7 days more till Cosfest! It's going to be my first time going to such a big Cosplay event! I am so excited and I am seriously counting down to the day of Cosfest with each passing day. I am going to wear my only Lolita on only one day of the 2 day event. As for the other day, I will be wearing the usual Singapore street clothes. I must make a list of stuff to do or I might forget to bring something! Plus~, it's my first time wearing the Alice Bow Hairband which I had just bought for $8 from Neko with my Lolita!!!!!~~~~ =D

I am so envious of Elie who can buy a new Lolita! But then, it's Bodyline which is very notorious for it's bad quality. Plus, the shipping fees is so expensive! A Alice Bow which cost around SGD$12 will cost around SGD$52 with shipping fees! With this money, I might as well buy a BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT or other non-off brand products as it will cost around the same. =.=||

But first, I have to do well for my "O" Level Chinese Oral and finish my D&T Product!


I must give it all the best!! Let's hope that I will do well in "O" Levels!

P.S I am so glad that I had reminded Huang Wang of the hair accessories and bag which she needed to prepare as she had totally forgotten all about it. She said that she will go shopping for the stuff today. Let's hope that she will find all the things she need and be ready for Cosfest!!! =D

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