Friday, August 22, 2008

Braces is now within my reach in 2 months time....

5108100 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly

It seems that there's hope after all. There's a chance that I might get the perfect straight teeth I always want to own. I took the initiative to borrow books on braces when I went to the library today with my mother. The only book that was available was "Papa, I want braces". It was more of the book with some cartoon by the author. It might be mistaken as a picture book for those young children but the numbers of words inside is certainly more than those children is able to cope with.

After all that, I went to check up on how much money I have in my bank account. I still have $4800+. That should be enough right? Those money were my savings...I guess they can be counted as my own money right? I hope that $4800+ will be able to cover the whole braces treatment.

I had went to several dental clinics near my house, trying to find the least expensive with best services. It seems that I will go to the choosen clinic on 11 November, right after my very last paper for "O" Levels. Gosh! I suppose I wouldn't experience much pain on that day as the orthodontist will just take X-Ray and molds of my teeth...I think that I will need to extract several teeth as it's simply too crowded.


I can't help thinking about it!

Will it hurt a lot?

I hope that the discomfort level will be at its minimum!

Or I will find that I have extremely high tolerance level!

I had found a picture of a patient with condition that was quite similar like mine.

Below:The patient's teeth with condition that's extremely similar(almost same)to mine.

I read on and found out that that particular patient had to extract two teeth from his upper jaw. I suppose it must be those which are like vampire least I am better than some who needs to extract 8 teeth or more! I will simply die from horror!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Finally...a medal for Olympic

5743570 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly

All this while I had been reading news of Team Singapore being trashed by other countries.

Finally, the Table Tennis Team had managed to win the match against Korea. They are in the FINALS!!!

No matter they win or not against the match with their opponent this Sunday, they are going to be able to get a medal, either gold or silver. FINALLY. We are going to get a medal. Of course it would be better if it's Gold!!! ^0^

That's all for today!

Cheer on Team Singapore! =D

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

☆~♥Released of "O" Level Chinese Language Results♥~☆

5975730 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly.

This day had finally came. To think that I was still tossing and turning on my bed yesterday, unable to sleep. Was it due to me worrying about my results or because of the fact that it was too hot for me to fall asleep? That does not matter now. Not to me at least.

Today was a day filled with anxiety. Everyone was especially restless and were all wondering (or perhaps worrying?) about their "O" Level Mother Tongue which would be released at 1.40pm right after school. The lessons we went through without totally paying 100% attention to what the teachers were saying. The last lesson, which was supposed to be CDP, was the most horrible. Apparently, the teachers were instructed to stop all CDP lessons and allow any subject teachers to take over the one hour lesson instead. My CDP teacher was my Geography teacher. She kept going through the questions on a local examination paper. I was not paying attention to her. Instead, I was watching the clock. Watching as the seconds tick by. It was pure torture. I convinced myself that I would do well. I would get the results I want. Yet there is still a tiny part of my heart that questioned myself. Could I really do it? I only knew that I must.

The lesson finally ended. It was now the time for us to know our results. As the Malay students left for their Malay Language classroom, I watched the corridor, searching for my teacher. She was late for five minutes.

Finally she came. Walking in a hurried pace towards our classroom. As she gets nearer, the volume in our classroom rose. The anxiety and fear that was entwined in our voices was obvious.

"There's room for improvement (for our results)," When she was asked if she was satisfied with our results.

There were two person who had gotten an A2 and only one who had gotten an A1 for Chinese Language in our class. As she read out the name, silently, in my mind, I was praying that I would not hear my name. My mind was set for higher goals. An A1 for Chinese Language.

I let out the breath I was holding. My name was not among the two whom had gotten an A2. The volume in the classroom rose as I strained my ears to hear who was the one who had gotten the A1. I started to panic as I wondered what would happen if I was not the one who had gotten the A1. What if I had wished for something that was too much to accomplished by me? Then, I heard my name. I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me. Had I really done it? Indrani congratulated me. Perhaps I did not hear wrongly after all.

Still unsure, I waited for my turn to take a look at the result slip and to sign on it. It was my turn. I stared at it while my teacher told me what was written on the paper. "A1 for "O" Level Chinese. Distinction for Oral and Listening Comprehension. "

It was there. Written in black and white.

I felt elated. I had achieved it. An A1 along with Distinction.

One more step closer to my dreams.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


6261580 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly!

It's rare, me here in my blog almost all posts written in English but now, I am going to talk about a particular Chinese book in this do pardon the Chinese!

I had borrowed this book from a Library outlet...I find that I am more attracted to books with manga like cover. It just makes me want to read it. =D So, I read through the whole book, constantly irritated with the bad printing such as having two pages of writing printed on the same page so I have to try to make out the words, some words which cannot be printed and are in replace, a square and also a lack of one whole page which was not ripped off! Apparently, the page was left out during printing and in replace, there was a blank page.

It was the blank page that made me search the internet for the page so that I would know what happened in the end. Although I knew that 史可乐 eventually ended up with 龙天佑 and that 龙天阳 is actually 史可乐's elder brother, I still do not like missing a page of the story. Maybe I will go to Kinokuniya and see if there's a opened book available and read the page I had missed or borrow another copy of the book. >.<. The story is cute and well, very dreamy. Some sort of a fairy tale that every girl wishes for it to turn into a reality...including me. \(^w^)/ Information of the book below... Photobucket



That's all for today! If you could me know what happen at the second last page (a scan or a link to a web containing content of the page), which is page 239, that would be awesome! ^0^