It seems that there's hope after all. There's a chance that I might get the perfect straight teeth I always want to own. I took the initiative to borrow books on braces when I went to the library today with my mother. The only book that was available was "Papa, I want braces". It was more of the book with some cartoon by the author. It might be mistaken as a picture book for those young children but the numbers of words inside is certainly more than those children is able to cope with.
After all that, I went to check up on how much money I have in my bank account. I still have $4800+. That should be enough right? Those money were my savings...I guess they can be counted as my own money right? I hope that $4800+ will be able to cover the whole braces treatment.
I had went to several dental clinics near my house, trying to find the least expensive with best services. It seems that I will go to the choosen clinic on 11 November, right after my very last paper for "O" Levels. Gosh! I suppose I wouldn't experience much pain on that day as the orthodontist will just take X-Ray and molds of my teeth...I think that I will need to extract several teeth as it's simply too crowded.
I can't help thinking about it!
Will it hurt a lot?
I hope that the discomfort level will be at its minimum!
Or I will find that I have extremely high tolerance level!
I had found a picture of a patient with condition that was quite similar like mine.
Below:The patient's teeth with condition that's extremely similar(almost same)to mine.
I read on and found out that that particular patient had to extract two teeth from his upper jaw. I suppose it must be those which are like vampire least I am better than some who needs to extract 8 teeth or more! I will simply die from horror!
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