Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Free whole UGLIES book in PDF format for download!

Here's your chance to read the whole book of UGLIES for FREE! If you are lazy to get your butt of the chair to borrow it, then just download the book in the link provided in the post below. Don't worry, it's totally legal and everything as it's advertized by none other than the author, Scott Westerfeld himself!

The post below is Free Tally!, as quoted from his blog.

P.S Blogger is being annoying with all the layout messed up so I have to actually typed out the HTML codes myself. Thank goodness for WDS lessons! Faridah you rock! ~\(=^0^=)/~

P.S.S Twitter is being annoying as well as it updates my latest Tweets incredibly slowly! Most of the time it is stated as loading but the updates doesn't get uploaded at all! =(

Free Tally!

With Leviathan on its way (60 days and counting!) my publisher and I thought we would give you guys a little present. So for the next month, Uglies will be available free in pdf form.

That’s right: Free book! Free Uglies! Free Tally!


Of course, this isn’t just free for you, my faithful blog readers. I mean, if you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got a copy of Uglies sitting around somewhere already. But if you have any friends, siblings, crushes, or enemies who you think might be interested in the series, why not send them over?

Cause, you know, people like free stuff.

Oh, and by the way, the first chapter of Leviathan is also included, along with an illustration you probably haven’t seen before. (That’s right, this is all a promotional scheme! Bwah-hah-hah!)

Click here to go to Simon & Schuster’s free download site.


A quick technical note:
Obviously you can read a pdf on your computer, and both Sony e-Readers and Kindles take them too. If you have technical questions, feel free to ask them in this comments thread. I probably can’t help you, but hopefully somebody will.

Also: the download site asks for a US zip code, which is five numbers.

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