Saturday, August 29, 2009

Best Maximum Ride Fanmade Trailer I had ever seen.

Blogger is STILL wacky. I don't know what to do with it, conidering I have to type all the codes myself. ARGH. *Sigh* Enough of that.

As you guys out there know, I had openly declared being a fan of the Maximum Ride series. If you don't know what that is, clearly, you haven't been sticking around. Never mind. Here's my blog post on Maximum Ride which I had published last time. Have fun reading it and take you time to watch the short videos which I had embedded into the blog post.

So, I was on YouTube, as usual, looking through the videos and I found this. A Maximum Ride Fanmade Trailer made by a Maximum Ride fan named lilmisssicecream from YouTube. It was utterly cool, fantastically made and so real and totally believable. Sure, I had already embedded another Fanmade Maximum Ride Trailer in previous blog post but although this one is longer by around a minute, it also have better gauge of climax and everything.

Enjoy watching it folks, especially if you are a Maximum Ride Fan, I think that you would have enjoyed it and understand what's going on. ~\(=^0^=)/~

The Maximum Ride Trailer by lilmisssicecream

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