Saturday, June 05, 2010

BoA Shanghai Expo Performance + BoA's USA Songs

As some of you know, BoA has performed at Shanghai Expo on May 30th 2010, along with Super Junior, Kang Ta, and f(x) to represent South Korea during the Korean Music Festival.

I was actually kind of hoping that BoA would be performing at least one new Korean song since her Korea comeback is rumored to be on 25th August 2010, which happens to be the 10th anniversary of her career since her debut in Korea, 10 years ago. It's amazing how time flies and how much BoA has achieved, considering that BoA is only 23 years old. o(^^o)(o^^)o Anyway, BoA didn't perform a new Korean song but performed three English songs, Eat You Up, Energetic and Look Who's Talking, from BoA's self entitled USA debut album. Both Eat You Up and Energetic are singles from her USA album. To me, it's a little weird that she performed English songs in a Korean Music Festival, but oh well, since she had already done it before when she was back in Korea... 「(゚ペ)...I aren't complaining anyway, since at least I can understand what she is singing!

Alright! Enough talking. Let's watch her performance in Shanghai Expo! All these videos are not taken by me! As they are fancams, the quality is not great but these are relatively stable and clear as compared to some other fancams. I hope that they will broadcast her performance on TV so that HD video uploads can be guaranteed!

For the sake of easy comparison of BoA's performance at Shanghai Expo, I had embedded the videos of her performance along with the official MV if there's one for enjoyment. O(≧∇≦)O

BoA's Eat You Up at Shanghai Expo
This is one of the clearer versions but the front part got cut off though. Sorry!

BoA - Eat You Up Official MV

Next up is Energetic by BoA!

BoA's Energetic performance at Shanghai Expo

BoA - Energetic Official MV
I am interested to learn how to dance this dance but I don't have a foundation in dancing. I should really stop thinking about how to run before I know how to walk.

Lastly, it's Look Who's Talking by BoA. She didn't released a single for this so there's no MV. She has performed this song for couple times so who knows, this might be the next single. Then again, the promotional team better do something big for what's the point of releasing album and singles if you don't promote it well?! People wouldn't even buy it or listen to it if they don't even know it exist! Anyway, since there isn't a MV for it, I had found a video showing BoA rehearsing the dance for Look Who's Talking. It's pretty cool too.

BoA's Look Who's Talking performance at Shanghai Expo

BoA's Look Who's Talking Raw Rehearsal for Extra

That's it for BoA's performance at Shanghai Expo!

However, that's not all. I am not sure why but her 2nd single, I Did It For Love feat. Sean Garrett, doesn't seem to be really popular. Hmm~ 「(゚ペ)... I think that her MV for I Did It For Love is pretty cool. It's not easy to dance either. At least it looks complicated to me. if you are wondering who on earth Sean Garrett is, well, he is an American rapper, songwriter and record producer. He seemed to more of the behind the scene guy in the music industry. You can read more about him in Wikipedia.

So here it is!

BoA's I Did It For Love MV

I know that all the videos of her performance are all far away so here's a a couple close up images of what she is wearing on that day below! Not taken by me. She looks fabulous don't you think? I like her style. ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

This is the end of my short video report of BoA's performance in Shanghai!

You know, I had heard that some of the kids/teens (those around 12 years old to around fifteen years old) who listen to the very auto-tuned K-Pop that's very popular right now, have no idea who BoA is. That's kind of sad since well, BoA is like the diva in the music industry in Korea! Never mind, I am anticipating her comeback which should be around during August time this year. I hope that she will surpass herself and rock the Korea music industry! Show them what she got!

That's all for today!

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