Sunday, June 06, 2010

Gals Day: Popteen Natural Look

I had actually wanted to hold Gals Day with Samantha during the long vacation I had during the March to April period. However, I had finalized the idea way too late so with those annoying restrictions at home, I didn't have enough time to finish Operation Clean Up (OCU). Alas, I had no choice but to push back Gals Day to the short two week break during June. Samantha was rather understanding when I told her.

It's June now and unfortunately, HRA is going to be at home most of the time during my two week break so I'll just have to make do with performing OCU on the area where we will get started with Gals Day. It's mostly makeover and girlish stuff like that.

Hopefully I will be able to finish the stuff I want to do!

Anyway, here's the look I am thinking of doing.

It's cute isn't it? Hopefully I will look as cute when I am done! (人´∀`*)☆彡

P.S I am currently considering of getting a curly/wavy hair wig!

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