Friday, September 28, 2007

Jam Band Competition On Youtube!

Remember the last time I posted about my school holding a Jam Band Competition during National Day Celebration Concert? If you don't remember, go HERE
to read about it. Below is an extract from my blog post on th Jam Band Competition along with videos of the song the champion band singer sang.
Below is the exact video and the song she sang(Kuang Biao)...
"Butterfly", Digimon Season 1 First Opening Song

Butterfly Original Full Song

Below is another nice song from Digimon

Digimon Tamers Opening, "The Biggest Dreamer" sang by Wada Kouji

In overall, the second band won the first place and the second place was given to the band our class and E4 class formed(the name of the band is "Fatal Attraction"). One thing
I am curious about is why on earth does all their costumes look like Cosplay or something? Not that I mind of course, I think that they did put out a good show.

So the whole concert ended with the Choir..... it's quite nice concert this it possible for the school to host Cosplay next year???

I just realized that the videos of the 3 bands performance are available on Youtube! How slow I am! Some of our school students must have taken it using camera handphones during their performance. But anyway, the videos are below. Please note that the audio and image quality is not very clear so it might cause some of you to think that they are lousy singers. But I think that they are not bad. Besides, our school sound system is not exactly that great either. The microphones couldn't catch those words clearly even when people speak.


Below:Champion Band Named "Kuang Biao" Song:Butterfly from Digimon(Original version see above in the extract.)Or you can view it HERE.

Below:1st-Runner Up Band Named "Fatal Attraction" Song:A Beautiful Lie by 30 seconds to mars(Some members are from my class!!!)Or you can view it HERE.

Below:2nd-Runner Up Band Named "This Tragic Affair" Song: Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance. Or you can view it HERE.

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