Saturday, September 08, 2007

NO WAY!!!!!~~~Uglies Boxed Set...I WANT IT!!!

This sucks!!! I just bought Pretties($14.76) and Specials[Hardcover]($23.15) from Kinokuniya and Borders separately on 6 September 2007, Thursday. But guess what? When I reached home and went online, I found that Uglies Boxed Set(containing Uglies, Pretties and Specials) is due to be released on October 23, 2007 at a price of approximately $39.61(I convert the amount directly from USD)!!!! The total cost of buying the two books are already $37.91!!! So by buying the boxed set, I saved more and get more as the cover says "exclusive content inside"!!!! ARGGGHHH!!! How I regret not doing my research before I buy!!! I want to know what's the deal with the exclusive content!!! Somehow...I :p*I mean what's with the "exclusive content!!! Trying to guess about it killing me!!!"* Can someone be kind enough to give me money to buy it??? :x

Below: As you can see, it the boxed set...

Below: Cover of Pretties

Below: Cover of Specials

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