Thursday, October 25, 2007

UGLIES Quartet(International Covers!)+UGLIES Trilogy BOXED SET

My dear friends. This is going to be my third post as to the topic on UGLIES Quartet. For those who haven't read my first and second post, you are strongly advised to read it before continuing with this post. Otherwise you will have no idea on what is this post about! You can read my first post here and the second post at here.

Some might wonder that why sometimes its called a UGLIES trilogy but yet it has four book in the collection? This also result to some places you find people calling it as the UGLIES Quartet. The UGLIES series,meaning the books UGLIES, PRETTIES and SPECIALS, and EXTRAS are counted as UGLIES Quartet. Originally, the UGLIES Series was meant to be a trilogy only, with UGLIES, PRETTIES and SPECIALS counted in the collection. However, with the release of EXTRAS, some might count it into the trilogy, thus changing it into a quartet collection. However the author argues that it is not officially part of the trilogy, but a companion book because it will not focus on Tally Youngblood. The main character in EXTRAS is instead a fifteen-year-old girl named Aya Fuse living in Japan several years after SPECIALS ended. Thus, I shall refer to the UGLIES trilogy&EXTRAS together as UGLIES Quartet as it is easier to refer to.

So this post is just basically to show the different covers of the UGLIES Quartet. Which one do you like best?

Let's start with the first edition covers which were the US covers that were first published by Simon & Schuster. It was then before other companies started releasing and translating the UGLIES Quartet in different languages and covers. Personally, I like the US covers better than the UK covers which are also published in the language English.


Below:US UGLIES Cover

Below: US PRETTIES Paperpack Cover

Below: US SPECIALS Hardcover Cover(Published first before Paperpack version)

Below: US SPECIALS Paperpack Cover

Below: US EXTRAS Hardcover Cover

Let's go on to the UK Covers. All the UGLIES Quartet are released in Paperpack edition.


Below: UK UGLIES Cover

Below: UK PRETTIES Cover

Below: UK SPECIALS Cover

Below: UK EXTRAS Cover

Next is the Japan cover for UGLIES! The Japan version of UGLIES is a novel version with only some pictures inside. Don't mistaken it as a manga of UGLIES!!!


Below: Japanese Cover of アグリ-ズ (a gu ri- zu)(UGLIES).

Below:Character Information Page for UGLIES main Characters. Rightmost is, of course, Tally (タリta ri-). On the left-hand page are:
upper right: Peris(ペリスpe ri su)
upper left: David(デヴィシドde vi shi do)
lower right: Shay(シエ shi e)
lower left: Dr. Cable(ドクタ-ケke-ブdo ku ta- ke- bu)

Below: Here’s the party scene, with Peris(ペリスpe ri su) in his tux and Tally(タリta ri-) clutching a pig mask and looking crumpled in Japanese UGLIES Cover.

Below: Shay(シエshi e)on hoverboard in Japanese UGLIES Cover

Below: アグリ-ズ (a gu ri- zu) Japanese Cover of UGLIES book two(which I think is PRETTIES in this case.)

Next, Taiwan Traditional Chinese Edition Uglies Cover!

Below: 醜人兒(Uglies)

Let's move away from the Eastern countries and on to the Western countries!


From Right to Left: UGLIES and PRETTIES Italian Cover(Notice that for the UGLIES cover, its the same picture as the US UGLIES Cover?)

Below: UGLIES Polish Cover

By the way, I am thinking of getting that boxed set since that exclusive content is a glossary of ugly slang and bubble-speak written by Scott Westerfeld himself!!!



IF you want to know about the story of UGLIES series, then read this BBC online news article on the future human species here. The upper class human is just very similar to the PRETTIES in the UGLIES series.

That's all for today!

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