Friday, October 12, 2007

Change the picture to represent me!

Stormy weather.....there is a lot of thunder rumbling and lightening flashing going on now. Ok. So this is just going to be a very quick update. I changed the picture to represent me because that my teacher said it was not clear when it was reduced in size. This had to be done for the back of the Polo Shirt had to be able to contain all the 29(or was it 30?) students design. Apparently, my picture was too complicated as the printer could not capture the tiny details when it was reduced in size thus causing a patch of black on my picture. She actually ask me to meet her in the general office after exam. When I got there, she actually told me to find another picture to replace it right on the spot! As I was in a hurry to get home(I was going to go out with my mum), I went to the library and just found a very simple but cute picture of Mokona Modoki, Soel, from Tsubasa Chronicles as Soel is cute but has a simple design to it, I doubt that the printer can mess up the picture again. It was only when I got home that I found out that this is a fan made picture. Oh well... what ever...I've also posted a CLAMP picture of Soel below.....don't you think that Soel is so cute? For those guys who might be here looking at my post, please ignore me this fan girl raving.... :x

Below: A fan made picture of Soel

Below:CLAMP picture of Soel.SO CUTE!~~

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