Sunday, October 14, 2007

UGLIES Quartet: Introducing Uglies Movie.(also fake pretties)

My dear friends. This is going to be my second post as to the topic on UGLIES Quartet. For those who haven't read my first post, you are strongly advised to read it before continuing with this post. Otherwise you will have no idea on what is this post about! you can read my first post here. Ok, this is going to be the post on all about the UGLIES movie estimated to be released in year 2008!!!! It is going to be distribute by Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, the company that released "Eragon" also a movie made from the story of a novel. IF you don't know about the company Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, look at the picture below and I am sure you will recognize it.

The production company will be Davis Entertainment, that has produced some movies such as "I, Robot","Garfield,Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties","Eragon","Garfield Gets Real" etc. You can find Uglies on Internet Movie DataBase(IMDB)here. Indeed, IMDB have posted several false project before. So is this real? There's a article on Variety talking about Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation going to make a movie on Uglies. If you can't view the website, never mind. I have taken a screenshot of the article which can be viewed here. It's worth mentioning that IMBD is not the only site that have Uglies as an upcoming movie, but also other sites like The Movie Insider and However, I do not know how credible these sources are. Also, it seems that Mr Westerfeld himself didn't admit or having posting anything about the possibility of an Uglies movie in his blog. Or perhaps it was just that he was bound by a contract or something. But you can go to his blog post titled The Big News where he talks about the Variety article. This is as close as having Mr Westerfeld admitting and confirming on Uglies might be made into a movie. If you ask me do I want to have a movie of UGLIES? Of course! But it must be an excellent movie. It must not be a product which they changed the story here and there and then claim that this is a movie based on the novel Uglies. I presume that they will be needing a lot of editing considering how high tech life in the Uglies story is. I think that having a movie of it(assuming that it's well made)will be good for it allows even more people to know the Uglies Quartet and perhaps they would like to read the rest of the quartet. Not many people knows about Mr Westerfeld, unlike J.K Rowling, whom lots of people know of.

Meanwhile let's quenched our thirst for an Uglies movie with this fan made Uglies & Pretties Trailer(BELOW) made by an user named TheHatchChild334 on YouTube. This is made according to some events happening in the novel of UGLIES.

If you have read UGLIES and PRETTIES, watch the video Pretties made by an user on YouTube named laylaylayla. This video shows some events that took place in the novel UGLIES and PRETTIES.

While we are on the topic of Uglies and Pretties, let's talk about some fake Pretties in our world shall we? Have you ever thought that the pictures and cover magazines featuring a particular star is really pretty? Have you ever thought that they are really that pretty? Well, i am sad to say that you are wrong sometimes. Most of the pictures you found of the pictures or magazine covers of a star had been tampered with. Using make-up,lighting and photoshop, they can air brushed a star to make it look perfect. Don't believe in me? Watch the video below.

Now do you understand why stars always look so perfect? I dare to say that quite a number of us normal people without make-up can actually be prettier then most of the stars without make-up. Without make-up and photoshop, most of the stars are actually normal looking people like everybody else. Let me show you picture of some stars that are normal looking in real life. All pictures taken from here.
Below: Jessica Simpson

Below: High School Musical Star Vanessa Hudgens

Below: Extreme Makeover

Of course there are some stars that are naturally pretty.
Below: Reese Witherspoon(I am not totally sure if she really don't have any makeup on.)

With the right clothes,make-up,lighting and sometimes a little help from the photoshop, you can look gorgeous as well. But I think that the most important would be being beautiful inside. It's no use having a beautiful exterior and being ugly inside for people will sooner or later notice it.

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