Monday, March 31, 2008

Cherry Ribbon Print by BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT!

I am so excited about this new range called Cherry Ribbon Print by BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT! Black Alice has already reserved the new range and it will arrive at the store once it is released. I think that for this new range of lolita, I will dare to wear it when going to shopping as such! It's simple but pretty! =^0^=

Below: Preview of Cherry Ribbon Print
Colours available: White, Pink, Sax Blue, Black

this new range is expected to be released around April/May.

Source from BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Cherry Ribbon Print JSK.

DeathSponge NotePants!~~~

I was introduced to this parody by Elie! She posted the video on her blog and I went to watch as curiosity got better of me. I mean, what's with the title anyway? A mixture of Sponge Bob and Death Note? I am glad that I watched it for it's certainly very interesting! A perfect dub of the voice!

So what is it about? The video features Sponge Bob with the voice of Kira I presume has been taken from the Death Note anime. There are subtitles below so for those who do not understand Japanese, they can still enjoy the video with ease. Sponge Bob has taken the role as Kira! Watch it!

DeathSponge NotePants

Hope that you will enjoy it as much as I do!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

~JRock Matsuri 2008@Vivo City!!!~

There's two days of The Matsuri namely JRock(15March2008, Saturaday) and Cosplay(16March2008, Sunday). This post shall be all about the photos I took on JRock Matsuri, 15 March 2008(Saturaday) and also briefly on what happened there.

While newspapers reported that the rain will continue on Saturday, the weather went to the opposite as it was a hot day. Elie and I meet up and went to the event together reaching there at around 1pm++ although the event was supposed to start at 4pm. we were too early, there was not a lot of people there. We decided to shop around Vivo City while waiting for the time to past by. Finally nearing to towards 4pm, the rest of my forum friend arrived and that was the same for many others. We left around for the pictures!!! ^0^

Please pardon my lousy skills of photography! I am quite new at this!

Below: While waiting for more people to come, Elie is my model while I tried out some shots outside Vivo City.

Below: Random pictures

Below: What are they looking at?

People getting Emo while listening to JRock Concert...

Below: My forum friends!

Below: My forum friends posing for the Last Group Photo for the day!

That's all for today! I will upload the pictures for Cosplay Matsuri 2008 next time! =^0^=

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Matsuri 2008: the butterfly effect tomorrow!!!

The Matsuri 2008: the butterfly effect BEGINS tomorrow!!! If you don't know what it is about, read about here. I am so excited! I will be meeting Elie tomorrow at 1pm at the MRT station where we shall go to the JRock Matsuri together! I can't wait to see Elie in casual lolita and also many others at Vivo City in Lolita, Visual Kei etc as such!!! I must remember to charge my camera battery now...for I will be taking lots of pictures tomorrow!!

As for this Sunday....the Cosplay Matsuri!!! I will be wearing my Lolita, without the headdress though for I think that i look rather stupid in it, along with Elie!!! I will be meeting Adelyn( to let her see my lolita) and proceed to the MRT station where Elie will be waiting for us! :D Another day bound to hold lots of pictures taking opportunity!

P.S Matsuri means festival in Japanese by the way...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Sick today~~

Wednesday, a perfect day for me as school starts at 11am compared to normal school days when you have to reach school by 7.25am. But perfect today was not for I had to report sick at around 11.40pm, only about 40 minutes after school starts. It was D&T lessons at that time I started to feel an ache at my stomach area which gradually grew more intense. Yesterday I had diarrhea and needed to go to toilet for 3 times in total...once which was during the Physics test. There goes my marks for Physics since I couldn't finish it in time. I took medicine for it yesterday and decided not to take it today since the diarrhea had stopped. Perhaps it was a wrong judgment since I the ache grew more intense. I could not take it and put my head on the table to rest. But after only a few seconds my hearing and vision started to give out on me. Meng Yun who was sitting beside me saw that i was unwell and gestured for my D&T teacher. I wanted to puke. Someone(I didn't know who as I couldn't see or hear) pulled me up from my seat and the next minute I knew, I was lying facing up on the D&T room floor. I guessed that I fainted for a couple of seconds there. Aisyah and Meng Yun supported me as I make my way out of the door of the D&T room. The process was slow and I had to rely on them for my vision and hearing is still out. Everything was dark and my legs felt like lead. I only barely managed to make it to the parade square before my legs completely gave out on me. I sort of flopped on my knees down there while Meng Yun and Aisyah tried to pull me up. I heard someone saying "Just let her sit there. I think that she can't walk any further.", which I later knew that it was my D&T teacher. So I rested there while a little bit of blood finally flow back to my head though Meng Yun commented that I was very pale. I was scared on what was happening to me and while wanting to puke and my stomach hurts like hell. Everything was coming to me in one huge rush so I cried. I was confused on what was going on. It was after a while that I could finally see and hear that they supported me to the General Office where i saw my D&T teacher talking to another teacher. I later knew that he was actually going to bring a stretcher to carry me to the sick bay.

After resting in the sick bay for a while, my parents finally came and brought me to a clinic near my home.... >.< I left with a shot at my butt, 5 packets of pills and a medical bill of $38. My lunch was pork porridge from a hawker center. Mmmm~ delicious. =D

So now I am sitting here thinking back on what happened to me. It seemed to be a little dramatic but it's with 2days worth of MC, I decided not to go to school since it's Sports Day tomorrow. Many thanks for the help of Meng Yun and Aisyah for supporting me to the way of sick bay. Without you two I would not be able make my way to the sick bay. =^0^= It's just ironic that I only attended school for around 40 minutes and left. >.<||||

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Congratulations to Singapore for winning Youth Olympics Games 2010!

Congratulations to Singapore for winning Youth Olympics Games 2010! It's just so cool that my country gets to host this major event! In this way, more people will get to know of Singapore and our history and culture!~~~ I never imagined that they would choose us! I could not believe my ears when I watched the release of the results 'Live'. ^0^ GOOOO SINGAPORE!~~~ =D