Saturday, March 22, 2008

~JRock Matsuri 2008@Vivo City!!!~

There's two days of The Matsuri namely JRock(15March2008, Saturaday) and Cosplay(16March2008, Sunday). This post shall be all about the photos I took on JRock Matsuri, 15 March 2008(Saturaday) and also briefly on what happened there.

While newspapers reported that the rain will continue on Saturday, the weather went to the opposite as it was a hot day. Elie and I meet up and went to the event together reaching there at around 1pm++ although the event was supposed to start at 4pm. we were too early, there was not a lot of people there. We decided to shop around Vivo City while waiting for the time to past by. Finally nearing to towards 4pm, the rest of my forum friend arrived and that was the same for many others. We left around for the pictures!!! ^0^

Please pardon my lousy skills of photography! I am quite new at this!

Below: While waiting for more people to come, Elie is my model while I tried out some shots outside Vivo City.

Below: Random pictures

Below: What are they looking at?

People getting Emo while listening to JRock Concert...

Below: My forum friends!

Below: My forum friends posing for the Last Group Photo for the day!

That's all for today! I will upload the pictures for Cosplay Matsuri 2008 next time! =^0^=

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