Monday, July 27, 2009

Hanphone network is up!

As you had know from my previous post, my handphone network was down due to not enough credit in my hi! card. I had topped the amount so I can receive calls and sms now. However, as the amount is to be last for 6 months, I would advise you to call my house number if you must since I don't take calls on my handphone as I don't have free sms/calls!

That's all for today!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My handphone network is down!

Just to let you know folks, I had used up my prepaid card amount so network is down for my handphone. I can't receive sms/calls...until I top up. I don't know when I will be topping up so don't sms or call me now...I will tell you folks when I had topped up my handphone credit here.

If you need to find me, just call my house number...since I have the Mio Voice now and incoming and outgoing calls are unlimited and free. Or just tag/email/Private Message me...

*I want a software unlocked Japanese Mobile Phone!*

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I have a Twitter and Facebook account now!

A quick update!

To those folks who are still in the dark out there, I have finally created a Facebook and Twitter account!

You can find me at and respectively!

Feel free to add or follow me! ^0^

Izzati had misread my link "StayIcy" to something like "Stacy". There IS a big difference with both phrase! Why "Stay Icy"? "Stay Icy" is a quote from the book "SPECIALS", a book from my all time favourite series called "UGLIES". "Stay Icy" is a slang in the book and it means something like "Stay clear headed and be aware of your surroundings." Read the series to find out's so thought provoking and yet utterly cool at the same time. =D I highly recommend it!

I am now busy with completing my part of the Computer Architecture(CARC) project which requires presentation and handing up of everything on next Tuesday, 21 July 2009! It is hard to complete as I don't even understand what a hacker needs! GAH! I have to wear Office Lady clothes on that day...I have to say that I am excited about wearing the outfit though. Hehe~ Feel like I am the boss of the whole universe(s) and ready to kick some ass whenever I wore that outfit.


On a side note, some how a particular someone just couldn't get it that we absolutely CANNOT copy and paste text from a source directly on to the project itself. Does that someone wants to cause us to lose all marks and get penalties? Come on, it's so obvious that it's a plagiarism!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

My hair~ Flat with no Volume...

3 July 2009, Thursday
I had been complementing of going for a long needed rebonding session for my fringe on Friday, 4 July 2009. My mother surprised me by offering to sponsor me for a full rebond considering that my hair was getting really long, unruly and tired. Like I said before, I was surprised. I was still half awake and preparing myself for school when she just popped the question all of the sudden.

I supposed that she expected me to jump for joy the moment the question left her mouth. I was admittedly pleasantly surprised at this offer but still, I had some things I had to consider.

1) I had wanted to get a curling tong. If I rebond my hair, curling my hair would be almost impossible as the curls just wouldn't last. Plus, why straighten my hair if I was going to curl them?

2) I had done a rebond at around one and a half years ago. It left my hair really dry and I had tangles and knots whenever I run my comb/finger through my hair. Do I really want to have such dry and damaged hair again?

However, I have to admit that I was tempted. Having rebonded hair means that I just have to comb and go. Quite convenient except for having to use more conditioner and mask.

I promised her that I would give her a reply by the end of the day and left the house.

I had consulted quite a lot of people throughout the day. From classmates, to my good friend and finally, to my imouto. Among all of them, it was imouto who had managed to clear up my thoughts most. Thank you so much imouto! You know who you are! It is always fun to talk to you! You always never fail to make my day! =D

Yes people, I had done the rebond on 4 July 2009, Friday. I went into the salon at 2.20pm and walked out of it at 8pm. The whole process was longer than last time. My hair is now shorter, straighter, flatter and full of a chemical smell. You shall now be able to recognize me by my smell.

However, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that my hair was not as dry. Hopefully, the intensive treatment I had planned for my hair will keep it healthy. =D

Sunday, July 05, 2009

French Manicure again~ Done by me...

2 July 2009, Thursday
After a week of hustling and bustling around I finally got the time to do my nails an chill out a little. Ever since I had seen Selene buying so many bottles of nail polish couple weeks ago, I suddenly had the urge to do my nails again. So I painted my nails using the bottles of newly polish that I had bought no long ago just for this purpose, according a design I had seen in a magazine. However, since I was doing it according to my memory and that perhaps I had gotten the wrong nail polish colour, the final outcome looks horrendous. I have to admit that having not painting my nails for at least a year now had also caused my painting skills to be rather streaky.

Below: The failed design
Failed Concept for Nail Art
Failed Concept for Nail Art

3 July 2009, Friday
In the end, after consulting the advice of several friends, I had decided to wash off the scary design and to stick with Class French Manicure that's very safe. Took me around two hours to wash off everything and paint everything from base coat, tip, and top coat. Yes, I know that I am super slow in painting it. It's just that I don't want it to get smudged. However, it got smudged anyway as I rushed to school...oh the end I sort of attempt to salvage what I can after the Java extra lesson while waiting for my friend. Pictures below.

Below: French Manicure Left Hand
French Manicure Left HandFrench Manicure Left Hand

Below: French Manicure Right Hand
French Manicure Right HandFrench Manicure Right Hand