Saturday, July 18, 2009

I have a Twitter and Facebook account now!

A quick update!

To those folks who are still in the dark out there, I have finally created a Facebook and Twitter account!

You can find me at and respectively!

Feel free to add or follow me! ^0^

Izzati had misread my link "StayIcy" to something like "Stacy". There IS a big difference with both phrase! Why "Stay Icy"? "Stay Icy" is a quote from the book "SPECIALS", a book from my all time favourite series called "UGLIES". "Stay Icy" is a slang in the book and it means something like "Stay clear headed and be aware of your surroundings." Read the series to find out's so thought provoking and yet utterly cool at the same time. =D I highly recommend it!

I am now busy with completing my part of the Computer Architecture(CARC) project which requires presentation and handing up of everything on next Tuesday, 21 July 2009! It is hard to complete as I don't even understand what a hacker needs! GAH! I have to wear Office Lady clothes on that day...I have to say that I am excited about wearing the outfit though. Hehe~ Feel like I am the boss of the whole universe(s) and ready to kick some ass whenever I wore that outfit.


On a side note, some how a particular someone just couldn't get it that we absolutely CANNOT copy and paste text from a source directly on to the project itself. Does that someone wants to cause us to lose all marks and get penalties? Come on, it's so obvious that it's a plagiarism!


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