Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh~ My holidays...


Logged into Blogger and I am happy to see that the layout is working fine.
\(^ ∀ ^)/ That's great. It took them seriously long enough to get it fixed. weeks? Hmph.

For those dear friends who are in the dark out there, I am currently on vacation now. It's seriously sad that the longest vacation I have is around one and a half month. My current vacation is set to end at Sun, 18 Oct 2009. Which means that I don't have much time left to actually get started on the list of stuff I wanted to do. Let's see...looks like list making is required. The list of tasks I am required to do are not in order.

To do list:

1) IKEA Cupboard
2) Study Drawers
3) Study Desk
4) White Shelf
5) Book shelf
6) Plastic Area
7) Laptop Bag
8) Wardrobe

1) Doraemon Pencil Box
2) Red Pencil Box
3) White Alice Bow at Side with Rose 132★816
4) Wrist Cuffs 132★041
5) School Bag
6) New Balance Shoes

1) Fake Nails Tutorial

Yes, as you can see, it's mostly cleaning related stuff but I have to say that although it doesn't look like much, each stuff for the cleaning list has to take at least a full day to complete for it's utterly messy...I have to get it done soon or I wouldn't have place to put my stuff for next semester! Plus, if I keep on dragging it, I bet that I wouldn't get anything done when school reopens!

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