Saturday, September 19, 2009

Teva's Women's Kiru Boot in Deep Wood

As some of you know, there was a World of Sports sale at first floor of a nearby mall during around April. The sale includes sports apparel as well as shoes from brands like Birkenstock, Teva etc. I saw the Teva's collection of boots on sale and I knew that I had to get it.

Among the many design available, I love Teva's Women's Kiru Boot in Deep Wood most. It's perfect for bohemian styles and it fits exactly the mental image of the pair of perfect boot in mind.

Alas! To my dismay, as I tried on that pair of boot, in size seven if I didn't remember wrongly, I couldn't even fit in. When I asked to tried on bigger sizes, the sales person told me that they only have it in this size for these were all samples sent by the Teva company to test the market. Unfortunately from what I had learned from the sales person, World of Sports has no plans to bring the products in and if I wish to buy, I have to ordered it online which I found out that will cost me S$300+ due to expensive shipping charges.


Plus, not to mention that I don't have a credit card... ( ̄~ ̄;)・・・

ヽ(´〜`;) Why must this happen to me!!!

It took me ages to find a pair of boots which I LOVED and then I couldn't fit in it and there's no actual stock available???!!!

☆彡     (-人-;) 求神拜佛...*其实是看到流星许愿...*

Is there possibility of a miracle happening such as World of Sports deciding to bring in that pair of boots possibly finding it in a local shop somewhere?

That's why I need YOUR help!


Yes YOU! (;⌒▽⌒)σ (´ェ`●)

If you notice a shop in Singapore selling Teva's Women's Kiru Boot in Deep Wood, tell me!

Just leave me a tag or something! I will be very very grateful to you!

Many thanks in advance!

Remember to keep a watch out for it! (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚) The pictures and details of Teva's Women's Kiru Boot in Deep Wood is available at the link. Just click on Teva's Women's Kiru Boot in Deep Wood.

☆彡 *.:*:.。.: (人 *) 希望新加坡的商店有卖那双靴子!(Please let it be available in Singapore!)

That's all for today...

ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ Bye bye!

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