Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Finally can type japanese words!

OMG! after so many dead ends on how to install japanese into my computer, i finally am able to type japanese! am so happy~~~~

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hana Kimi!

i have been watching this show called Hana Kimi acted by Ella from S.H.E . i think that it's a really good show with lots of laughter and romance! why don't you try it?

花样少年少女(Hana Kimi)Episode 1 Part 1/7

or go to to watch the first episode.hope that you will like it as much as i do!

i had also added new songs on my blog so do listen to it at my tagboard there! hope that you will love this song! it's 一眼万年(yi yan wan nian) by S.H.E . any problems with my blog, please do tell me!

i had just bought a japanese learning book's a really great book which cost only $10.40. so cheap! it's has basic english words and how to pronounce it in japanese. it's great for travellers and beginners like me. wish that i can be like my brother who can learn third language...~haizz~but oh well, at least i can use my brother CD to listen to how to pronounce the japanese words...yesterday i went with Vivien together to buy the book...actually it's that we just shop around and i just saw this book. after thumbing through the pages, i found that it's quite easy to understand and all that so i was really hyper and wanted to buy this book. Vivien and i look at some of the japanese words and pronounce it together. Vivien was really cute and pronounced o-ne-san(which means elder sister) to one-san...haha~ one-san desu???LOL..had lots of fun yesterday...i wanted to buy a complete lesson course of japanese!!! it must come with CDs to teach you how to pronounce for other wise i might pronounce it wrongly and make a fool of myself which is NOT funny at all!! thou shall post till ye....LOL^0^

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rich V.S Poor(t-shirt version)

there's really a lot of difference between a local neighbour school and the top school. take the secondary one camp t-shirt as an example. apparently, richer school or so as they say, seems to have an better t-shirt design. well, let me just show you some pictures of my younger brother(secondary in year 2007)camp t-shirt and mine 2005 secondary one camp t-shirt for you to judge for yourself....
Front of the Secondary One Camp T-Shirt
Left:mine,Right:my younger brother's

Back of the Secondary One Camp T-Shirt
Left:mine,Right:my younger brother's

so can you see the difference now??? of course it isn't that i complain that my camp t-shirt design is ugly...after all, it's designed by our art teacher as well...but if you were to wear this shirts on street, black will be definetly a plus colour to choose from when designing t-shirts. after all, the colour black is never hard to match with clothes and it is no doubt the IN colour. i am just keeping my fingers crossed with hope that my secondary three camp t-shirt WILL be something cool like my brother's camp t-shirt!!! teachers or whoever is designing our shirts, can you hear our pleas???
it seems that even their crest design is better than my school! well that can't be help i guess as my school was originally a chinese school so maybe their imaginations and creativity are not as good as whoever who designed my brother's school crest? looks like i have to bring in pictures for you all to see again so as to get a clear idea of what i am talking about...

Left:brother's unmodified crest(pin),Right:brother's colour modified crest on school's Polo shirt.

Left:modified brother's black and white crest on school's notebook, Right:my school's crest(pin)

the above crest mentioned with (pin) are the school crest pins which we pinned on our uniform respectively.

there are two different crest for my brother's school. the one on the far left is the unmodified original crest created years ago. the one on the centre left and right are the school crest which are modfied to make it look nicer. i love both of the modified school crest. the design makes me think of the crest for old castles in fairytales. a really dreamy and beautiful crest....why couldn't i have such a nice crest like that??? perhaps it's because that my brother's school have a longer history than my school??? who knows? well, anyone is a genius to have design such a pretty crest!^0^

i guess that i shall blog until here today...hope that you all enjoy reading this post and looking at the pictures i taken!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thank you my brother!

i must say thank you very much to my dear dear brother for finding such a wonderful and free file convertor!!!!!it's really useful and i had many plans to use it....=^.^ poor pitiful best friend's lousy internet provider could only go to educational websites and are unable to go to the other websites like YouTube and thus is unable to view the excellent videos i reccomended her to i get use the convertor to convert it to something she can watch and send it to her!yay~!!!!otherwise for i know that my best friend will be very bored for even when my best friend is online, she is only able to go to educational website and is not even able to enter msn or hotmail....but luckily she can go into yahoo mail so she is still able to send emails to me....^0^ life will be very horrible if she couldn't even contact me!so once again, thank you my dear dear brother!haha~

How one tune can change..

it's really amazing how one tune can change so first i thought that my chemistry teacher was very strict and all that...but now after him teaching us for few days, i found out that he can be strict but not strict with us too. he could also joke with us and have fun together.but sometimes i think that his emotions vary a lot and he could be one minutes really happy and next minute really serious and sadly, this reminds me of a mental hospital patient....-_- no offence to anybody...seriously, now that he seems that he can be a nice person, i guess having lessons which these teachers can be fun as well....providing we do our homework of course...^O^....i am really lucky to have all the good teacher this year..=^.^=...unlike some other friends of mine who had gotten a particular monkey as their teacher....seriously no offence directed at anyone!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Different tunes...

after practising with different scores on my keyboard, i found that it seems the sound my keyboard produce is very very different from those real piano with hammers banging to produce those sweet melody.even though the music keyboard produced is artifical,i expected that the sound produced should be as least similiar. but when i play the scores, the music produced differ a lot from playing on piano to on friend who took piano also commented on the sound my piano produced. the pitch and tone is a LITTLE different from playing on piano but i guess i have no choice because i do not have enough money to buy a grand piano or something like that.but i still wish that i am able to have real piano for the sound produced is definetly better and sweeter...i envy those people who have a real piano...i wish that i have a piano and is able to play those really wonderful song i like..but too bad,i am not that good in piano...but i will try!!i earn to listen to the melody played by me on the real piano which is much nicer then being played on my keyboard...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back to school

arrrrggghh!!!!back to school yesterday.oh well,i think that my teacher are all quite those kind,caring and understanding type EXCEPT that stupid chemistry teacher. i can't say who it is but all i can say is that he's uber strict!!!!expecting us to call him yes sir no sir.argh!no thanks.hope i don't get him as my chemistry teacher!!!i want that adorable chemistry teacher!!!so cute!!!not handsome cute but those really childish cute cute!if only i can get that adorable chemistry teacher, i am sure i will be motivated to work even harder!!!!oh yes,let me be with my good friend Elie too!!!!

i been really caught up with a drama serial called 天外飞仙(tian wai fei xian)which had just ended few days's such a great drama to watch!here's a MV of it with the theme song called 一眼万年(yi yan wan nian)by S.H.E.Enjoy!