Thursday, January 04, 2007

Back to school

arrrrggghh!!!!back to school yesterday.oh well,i think that my teacher are all quite those kind,caring and understanding type EXCEPT that stupid chemistry teacher. i can't say who it is but all i can say is that he's uber strict!!!!expecting us to call him yes sir no sir.argh!no thanks.hope i don't get him as my chemistry teacher!!!i want that adorable chemistry teacher!!!so cute!!!not handsome cute but those really childish cute cute!if only i can get that adorable chemistry teacher, i am sure i will be motivated to work even harder!!!!oh yes,let me be with my good friend Elie too!!!!

i been really caught up with a drama serial called 天外飞仙(tian wai fei xian)which had just ended few days's such a great drama to watch!here's a MV of it with the theme song called 一眼万年(yi yan wan nian)by S.H.E.Enjoy!

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