Friday, January 12, 2007

Thank you my brother!

i must say thank you very much to my dear dear brother for finding such a wonderful and free file convertor!!!!!it's really useful and i had many plans to use it....=^.^ poor pitiful best friend's lousy internet provider could only go to educational websites and are unable to go to the other websites like YouTube and thus is unable to view the excellent videos i reccomended her to i get use the convertor to convert it to something she can watch and send it to her!yay~!!!!otherwise for i know that my best friend will be very bored for even when my best friend is online, she is only able to go to educational website and is not even able to enter msn or hotmail....but luckily she can go into yahoo mail so she is still able to send emails to me....^0^ life will be very horrible if she couldn't even contact me!so once again, thank you my dear dear brother!haha~

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