Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Brighter Lolita Future!!!!!!!!!~~~Hopefully SGD will strengthen!

Guess what? I showed my mum the Gothic and Lolita Bible Volume 25 Japanese Version which Kristy bought for me(Thank you Kristy!^0^) and she commented that the Sweet Lolita looks really cute and gorgeous!!! She further commented that if it wasn't that expensive, she would have bought some for me! =^0^= Now that's something!

Each year, I will be able to buy some clothes around $100+ in total to make do as my Chinese New Year(CNY) clothes. Thus, I commented that I might as well buy Lolita clothes as my CNY clothes and she agreed! However, she added that she would only be able to buy those which cost around $100+. Never mind. I shall save up enough money to hopefully buy a BTSSB(or maybe some other from Black Alice) Lolita with the help of my mother's $100+!!!

But I think that it's confirmed that I am going to Black Alice to buy the Lolita!!! =^0^= Yay~~~!!!! I think that my relatives are going to be so shocked when they see me next year!! =D

Also, I shall hope that Singapore Dollars will strengthen even more so that the Lolitas and other imports will not cost as much!

Happily yours,
+-+miko kagome+-+!~~~

Sunday, April 20, 2008

♥*~*~8~">>>>>>Sweet 16!!!!<<<<<<"~8~*~*♥

Yes, it's my birthday today. I am officially 16 years old! Finally I am able to watch movies that are rated NC 16!

How did I spent this day? Well, it's quite like any normal day such as surfing the net, updating my blog (like I am doing now!), reading, doing homework etc. I didn't go out today... >.<

I have received presents and birthday wishes as well. I will update with pictures next time!

Many thanks to Elie, Vivien, Mum and Emeline for your presents! I will treasure it!!! =^.^=

Many thanks to Adelyn, Elie, Kristy, Esther and Conan for your birthday wishes!!!

Lastly,songs which I love from BoA's THE FACE...

To friends who are always there for know who you are... =D

Slow songs are nice too...

The song I am currently loving it...

=D That's all for today!!!~~

*~.:: ♥Checked out Black Alice Grand Opening yesterday♥::.~*

Yesterday, 19 April 2008 (Saturday), was the grand re-opening of my favourite lolita store, Black Alice.

How could I missed it???!!!!

After several discussions, I found out that Rin and Kristy were both interested to visit Black Alice as well. So in the end, Kristy, Rin, Huang Wang, Elie and I arranged to meet up at Douby Ghaut MRt Station. After several delays, we finally found each other! Kristy warned me that her mother is going to come along with us but I didn't expect it to turn into a reality! Her mother seemed to be very strict person but I think that she is a really nice person who dotes on Kristy for she lets Kristy buy things almost whenever she ask for it!

Since I was the only one who was really familiar with the way to Black Alice, I lead the way like a tour guide.

Upon arriving, I was overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. Black Alice has transformed big time since I last visited when it was only a shell! As Black Alice promised, the store was filled with lots of adorable item. I am not kidding! What can say you about two racks full of jumpers, dresses, blouses and panniers? Don't forget the parasols, BJDs shoes and garments, and also many other accessories like headdresses, top hats, bags and necklaces!

Elie and I pondered around the store, poking at the items we like and getting way too starry eyed. The store was filled with people. A sofa was there for customers to sit on. The Lolita girls took advantage of this to rest their feet. Noticed that I had said Lolita girls. Now why is that so? The reason is simple. There were actually people who were dressed up in Lolitas to visit the grand re-opening of Black Alice! Black Alice is definitely having lots of business on that day! Why, Kristy contributed to it as well! She managed to get her mum to pay for a pair of shoes for her BJD Kisaki! She later told me that if only she brought her Kisaki here for she would be able to persuade her mother to pay for the garment she intend to buy for Kisaki as well! My my....Kristy is certainly something! Now do you understand why I said that her mother dotes on her??! ^0^

I wished that I had enough money to get something! The clothes are certainly too gorgeous!!!! I am not the only one for Elie spotted a Rabbit Ears blouse she wanted for a long time. Well, I am currently searching for a lolita skirt to match with my oh well....any sponsors? >.<


When Black Alice was at Little Red Dot

Black Alice at The Cathay!!!

After visiting Black Alice, the others went their own way while I took Huang Wang for a tour of other Lolita and Cosplay stores worth seeing such as Atsuki, MR. COSPLAY’S OTAKU HOUSE, Haru and Blood Romance. She was of course amazed by the clothings and eventually decided to go Gothic Lolita style! Funny that she actually did not wish to wear skirts or dresses at first...

After that I went to Hougang Mall while Huang Wang went home. i was eating Strawberry Sundae walking outside Hougang Mall when i saw a stall selling an cream coloured laced umbrella with designs(like those you would find on BTSSB dresses) looks a lot like a Lolita parasol. They are selling it only $23.??(Forgotten the exact cents)when a parasol is around $60++. I told the staff(Female, around 20++) that it looks like a Lolita Umbrella and asked her if she knew what it was. Turns out that she had heard that phrase before but did not know what it exactly is. I explained to her about lolita and that lolita is not cosplay, there are stores that sells cosplay and lolita clothes in Singapore(She thought that we have to tailor lolita clothes) etc... I found out that her younger sister was interested in cosplay and lolita so I gave her the name cards of Black Alice, Haru, Pan-In-The-Box and Mr Cosplay's Otaku House for her sister to have a chance to get those clothes! =D But I was kind of sad to part with my name cards*especially Black Alice for it's really nice and posh! Black background and Black Alice design in gold!!*...never mind...I shall visit those stores some day and get the name cards again! =^0^=

I guess that I shall stop here! ^0^

P.S I was surprised that I would actually dare to talk to some stranger about lolita and cosplay! O.o Guess that I am really friendly after all!!! You guys were right to put it as my characteristics.... =D

Sunday, April 13, 2008

*~.:: ♥Checked out “Black Alice” yesterday♥::.~*

As expected, I went to The Cathay yesterday in search for the shop outlet where Black Alice will soon to be locate. The Cathay was not too hard to find as I had consulted a map before leaving my house. The location was definitely better than Little Red Dot building for the previous location was quite isolated as few knew that there were actually a few stores up on the second floor of the Little Red Dot building. At the very least for The Cathay, there’s SMU nearby and quite a number of students ventured to the small mall.

I found the would be Black Alice shop space easily and noted that it was much more bigger than the previous one at Little Red Dot building. The shop area was around average size. What worries me was that the shop was empty with no visible construction done when Black Alice was due to open on 19 April 2008 which is only around in one week time. Will Black Alice be able to open on the tentative date given by the owner? That’s something time will tell. But no doubt, Black Alice is going to be much more easier to access considering that it’s near Dhoby Ghaut MRT station! =^0^=

Below: Clearer Version of Black Alice shop outlet

Below: The shop outlet where Black Alice is going to be

You can find Black Alice at:
2 Handy Road
The Cathay
Singapore 229233

Hope that you enjoyed reading this post!

Friday, April 11, 2008

I passed my NAPFA Test!

If you have read the title, you should know what this post is going to be about. In case you do not know what NAPFA is, let me enlighten you. NAPFA stands for National Physical Fitness Award. Just check out the link which goes along with the full name of NAPFA.

Last Friday(4 April 2008), was a torturous day since I had to run my 2.4km during Physical Education(P.E) lessons. Luckily I managed to pass although it did leave me with muscle ache that last about 2-3days after the run.

Today, we were supposed to run the 2.4km again in order to get a better timing but alas, as we have NAPFA five stations after school, we were spared from running two whole rounds in the drizzling rain but instead only one round for those who had passed the run.

After school....

After eating my hot dog bread, I had nothing else to do other then roaming around the school like a phantom. I went to the library and finally picked up a Discover magazine to read since it looks interesting. *Yes, I am more of a interesting facts about science and technology person* It was quite interesting though my small brain could not really understand some of the concepts the magazine was trying to present to me. I guess that i have to read up more! =D

Finally it was time to start the NAPFA test. After some hustle and bustle, I found out that my first station was Incline Chin-up. Oh well....that was usually one of the stations I was afraid of. Thankfully everything went smoothly....but it was fun watching the funny expressions and agonized groans of the boys trying to pass the sit and reach section. Guess that girls are more flexible after all! =^0^=

I guessed that I might have muscle aches tomorrow but that will not stop me from going out to Orchard and checking out potential Black Alice location as well! ^0^

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

~Cosplay Matsuri 2008@Vivo City!!!~

There's two days of The Matsuri namely JRock(15March2008, Saturaday) and Cosplay(16March2008, Sunday). This post shall be all about the photos I took on JRock Matsuri, 15 March 2008(Saturaday) and also briefly on what happened there.

This is a follow up on the JRock Matsuri which you can read about it here. Remember the weather reports in the newspapers predicting that it would rain on the weekend? Well, it did in the middle of the day. It was not a slight drizzle but a heavy downpour. A lot of people escaped into Vivo City to prevent their precious clothes and equipments from getting wet. While waiting for the rain to stop, a lot of people decided to hold photo shoots sessions at the indoors of Vivo City while some others wander around in Vivo City. Of course a lot of the shoppers in Vivo City was shocked. A huge lot of people wearing "weird" clothes (Cosplayers/Lolitas/Punk/Gothic etc) had invaded the mall! While for some tourists, were curious and stare boldly at us. Some shop owners recognize our clothes as "Japanese clothes" and asked us what was happening. We simply told them of the event that was supposed to be going on. Thankfully, the rain stopped after a while and the event was able to go on smoothly.

All pictures taken by me.

Elie in Pink Infant Lolita

Right to Left
Front Row: Elie in Pink Infant Lolita, +-+neko-ning+-+ in Bodyline Fairytale Lolita


Elie with Sora

+-+neko-ning+-+ and Elie

Akatsuki in Burger King?!

Ayami face palm

Shirodas face palm

Shirodas as Deidara from Naruto

KuroShuriken with Ayami as Ledah from Riviera: The Promised Land


SakuraHime(Kirsty) with Misa Misa Cosplayer(Lyzz)

Sora V.S Modern Man!

Mitsukuni Haninozuka"Honey"from Ouran High School Host Club from Ouran

Sakura Haruno from Naruto

Can you spot the two Cosplayers as L from Death Note in the picture?

Two L with one Light Yagami from Death Note

There were 3 L...
Below: The first two L...

Another L with Near

Other Cosplayers

Dollfie Gallery

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures! =^0^=