Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Brighter Lolita Future!!!!!!!!!~~~Hopefully SGD will strengthen!

Guess what? I showed my mum the Gothic and Lolita Bible Volume 25 Japanese Version which Kristy bought for me(Thank you Kristy!^0^) and she commented that the Sweet Lolita looks really cute and gorgeous!!! She further commented that if it wasn't that expensive, she would have bought some for me! =^0^= Now that's something!

Each year, I will be able to buy some clothes around $100+ in total to make do as my Chinese New Year(CNY) clothes. Thus, I commented that I might as well buy Lolita clothes as my CNY clothes and she agreed! However, she added that she would only be able to buy those which cost around $100+. Never mind. I shall save up enough money to hopefully buy a BTSSB(or maybe some other from Black Alice) Lolita with the help of my mother's $100+!!!

But I think that it's confirmed that I am going to Black Alice to buy the Lolita!!! =^0^= Yay~~~!!!! I think that my relatives are going to be so shocked when they see me next year!! =D

Also, I shall hope that Singapore Dollars will strengthen even more so that the Lolitas and other imports will not cost as much!

Happily yours,
+-+miko kagome+-+!~~~

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