Friday, April 11, 2008

I passed my NAPFA Test!

If you have read the title, you should know what this post is going to be about. In case you do not know what NAPFA is, let me enlighten you. NAPFA stands for National Physical Fitness Award. Just check out the link which goes along with the full name of NAPFA.

Last Friday(4 April 2008), was a torturous day since I had to run my 2.4km during Physical Education(P.E) lessons. Luckily I managed to pass although it did leave me with muscle ache that last about 2-3days after the run.

Today, we were supposed to run the 2.4km again in order to get a better timing but alas, as we have NAPFA five stations after school, we were spared from running two whole rounds in the drizzling rain but instead only one round for those who had passed the run.

After school....

After eating my hot dog bread, I had nothing else to do other then roaming around the school like a phantom. I went to the library and finally picked up a Discover magazine to read since it looks interesting. *Yes, I am more of a interesting facts about science and technology person* It was quite interesting though my small brain could not really understand some of the concepts the magazine was trying to present to me. I guess that i have to read up more! =D

Finally it was time to start the NAPFA test. After some hustle and bustle, I found out that my first station was Incline Chin-up. Oh well....that was usually one of the stations I was afraid of. Thankfully everything went smoothly....but it was fun watching the funny expressions and agonized groans of the boys trying to pass the sit and reach section. Guess that girls are more flexible after all! =^0^=

I guessed that I might have muscle aches tomorrow but that will not stop me from going out to Orchard and checking out potential Black Alice location as well! ^0^

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