Monday, May 26, 2008

I don't want to be a muscular woman!!!!

I took the 'O' Level Chinese was not as hard as expected.

I went to meet my mum after that. We have Macdonald for lunch. ^.^I went to SportsLink to find the dumbbells and the mat which me and my mum wanted respectively. However, the dumbbells which were for women had only the weight 0.9kg and 6kg per pair. 0.9kg is way too light while the 6kg is way too heavy. I found out from the staff that they don't have any in between weight...hello?! I only want to be stronger not to become a muscular woman!!!

More later...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My mother and I.....thinking of exercising together?!

That's right! My mum is thinking of exercising to get rid of those fats around her tummy (and also to just keep fit) far she had tried sit ups and by not using the lift when getting home. But....she doesn't use a mat when doing the sit ups so her backbone hurts like hell. Also, one can only climb up stairs when going home that many times a day...I don't know if it's really useful....

Actually, I have been thinking about exercising too. Seventeen always managed to feature one set of workout in each issue but sometimes there's a need of some equipments such as Dumbbells which is something I do not have....also, I do get lazy sometimes and thus I will stop during the exercises. >.<

I am seriously considering of getting dumbbells and the exercise mat....but what weight do I get? I think maybe around 2kg+? I know that's very little but I am really weak.....

My mum is thinking of getting a pair of sports shoe so that she can run in the park as a way of's been a long time since she had last ran though....I am thinking of seriously joining her in the running and also getting the things I want.

I think that this is coming true....

A healthier and fitter me!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Each blogger must start name 10 random facts. it can be about themselves or about anything too. After the quiz, you will have to tag 10 people to do this quiz. Also, you will have to inform the person that he/she has been asked to this quiz by tagging his/her blog random facts.

1) Lolita lover
2)Learn Japanese Language!
3)Anime otaku
4)Loves Doraemon!!!!
5)Meddles with Tarot
6)Wishes to have unlimited amount of money to spend on thing I want....
7)Wants to learn how to play piano well
8)Get the good grades which I know I want
9)Wishes to be fairer in a healthy rosy way
10)Longer eye lashes!

And now...the list of 10 people..........
3)Li Wen

Lame post but....*sigh*

Monday, May 19, 2008

Watched Iron Man Yesterday!!!~

Yes indeed, I had watched Iron Man yesterday with Selene, Selene's sister and Joey at Plaza Singapura. What happens before that was shopping at Orchard Road with Selene, Selene's sister, Joey, Danielle and Nevadah. in case you don't know, Danielle and Nevadah are two of the New Zealanders which had come over. I had found out that apparently, New Zealanders are are not very good at shopping as they tend to spend their money very quickly and are not used to walking on concrete floors for too long.

Selene's sister helped us to booked the tickets. The seating was terrific as we were in the very last row sitting in the center. Perfect view! Thanks a lot for getting us such wonderful seats!

Anyways, Iron Man was really cool and surprisingly good but I don't understand why he has to be a womanizer.....-_-||| though he's different from the other super heroes I had seen. The trailer for Iron Man was not as good as the movie. There were some funny parts as usual... =^w^= I really enjoyed the movie. Time flies when i was watching it!!!
Well, just watch the movie yourself for I am really tired today and do not wish to write a elaborate review of it. But it's definitely worth watching. I love the suit and Tony Stark's house and brain (the genius part). =D

Iron Man- Movie Trailer (2008)

It was around 11pm when I watched finished the movie which started at 8.30pm. Reached home at around 11.40pm.

So I saw some pictures on Cosplay of Iron Man..there are good and bad so.... offense but it looks like pajamas to me...

This one is really good but it would even better if there's lights inserted in the chest and palms!! What's more is that they said it's fan made!

Testing it out....

Final product!!!

What do you think???? =^w^=

Do watch Iron Man if possible!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Zealanders are coming!!!!!!!~~~~

YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After such a long wait of nearly half a year, the New Zealanders are finally coming to Singapore!!!! They will be taking night flight of SQ on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 and will arrive in Singapore the morning. I will be (finally) able to see them in flesh again (especially my host!) and go out shopping (showing them Singapore) with them!!!

They will be so shocked at the amount of people seen in one area and also when during in LRT and MRT!!! ^0^

I shall stop posting for now! I will add on to this post next time for it's Lunch time now!!

Final Fantasy X-2: Yuna & Lenne [1000 words]

If you have noticed, I had just changed my blog song to 1000 words. 1000 words is my current favourite song for now. I preferred Jade Villalon's English version than Koda Kumi's Japanese or English version(she needs to brush up on her English pronunciation) as Jade Villalon's version has more emotion put into the song and makes it more heartfelt. However, on a side note, I like Koda Kumi's version of real Emotion better than Jade Villalon's. Koda Kumi's version of real emotion can really make one wants to dance. =D

Both 1000 words and real Emotion are songs which are included in the popular game franchise Final Fantasy X-2. Koda Kumi was not famous when she was choosen to sing both songs for the game. Both songs gave her a chance to be recognized as the singer for the songs by Final Fantasy fans. This was actually a very short summary how Koda Kumi gradually became famous.... >.<||||

But anyway, we must not forget about the 1000 words song! =^0^=

Original Version found in Final Fantasy X-2. This was subbed by the YouTube user, blueimpulse36. The song is the English version of 1000 words sang by Jade Villalon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

~Wind’s Café (風の喫茶店) APPROVED!!!!~

[January to May]
Planning and writing of the proposal for Wind’s Café (風の喫茶店).

[On 2 May 2008, Friday]
I had thought that I had included everything but when I show the proposal to that person, that person told me that I had not included lots of things and gave me a one full page of things to add! That person did not tell me to include such things when I consulted that person on how to write a proposal! That person is wasting my ink and time! Why couldn't that person tell me everything in one go?!

[On 5 May 2008, Monday]
Proposal for Wind’s Café (風の喫茶店) was handed up at the parade square! VP flipped to the page where we were explaining about Japanese Street Wear such as Decora and Visual Kei and she didn't even flinched when she saw the pictures! She was so glad to see the proposal that she was grinning while reading the content page! Seriously! A great start to the possibility of the school accepting the proposal!
Vice-principal came to my class during mathematics lesson and told me that she had lost the proposal and requested me to print out another copy for her!!! o.O I've used up half of my $60 ink cartridges to print the proposal! Printing it another time meant that I will used up all the ink!
=8.15am to 8.30am=
Vice-principal came to my class during mathematics lesson holding the proposal in her hands. She asked me to go out of the classroom and she told me how happy she was with the idea and what we need to improve on. So I asked her if this means that the school had accepted the proposal? SHE SAID YES!!! I couldn't believe that it was so easy for the school to accept such culture which was not commonly found in Singapore!!!! =D

[On 8 May 2008, Thursday]
=Around 11.45am=
Elie and I was standing outside the AVA Room together with the rest our class while waiting for our S.S teacher to open the door for us. VP saw us standing there and approached us. Turns up that she wanted to inform us that the date of the carnival might changed to 8 August 2008, Friday. No doubt, there's pros and cons to this changed of date. The good thing is that we would be able to catch the crowd of students while they are leaving the school after National Day celebration. they might be tempted to visit Wind’s Café due to our striking clothes. However, the cons is that our list of helpers include students from Universities, Polytechnics and ITE and if this event was held on a weekday, they might not be able to come due to studies! =( What should I do now??!!!

But we did manage to ask the VP if she knows that we are going to use the Drink Stall and such and she replied that she knows and she is also currently trying to get the aunties at the stall to provide with us free drinks! O.o I could not believe (yet again) that she trusted us not to destroy the things in the Drink Stall and let us use it when Wind’s Café (風の喫茶店) is operating!!! But alas! We forgotten to ask her if the school is willing to help us print the posters in full colour for each class to put on the notice board!

[On 9 May 2008, Friday]
=Around 11.26am=
Elie and I saw VP walking down the corridor and we both ran up to her. We finally managed to ask her if the school is willing to help us print the poster for every class to be put up at the notice board! She agreed! Yay~~~ This means that we could make the posters till perfectionn and also that we do not have to use up our own printer inks! =^0^=

Hope that Elie is able to design a super wonderful poster for Wind’s Café (風の喫茶店) !!!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

*~.:: ♥Thinking of taking up sewing?!♥::.~*

You didn't read the title wrongly. Yes, I am indeed thinking of taking up sewing lessons or at least teach myself to sew. Not those usual patching a hole or sewing on a button thing. Why am I thinking of taking up sewing lessons suddenly??!! Well, I reckon by learning how to sew, it good to learn something new and I could make things myself which will save some money on rather buying some of those overpriced items!

I have to confess that I wish to learn how to sew as I can make my own Lolita items (such as headdress, top hat, cuffs, alice bow etc) then. =^0^=

Maybe when I have more time such as after Ordinary Levels I shall buy some books or take up lessons at a near by Community Centre to learn! =D

If I am really enjoying it or something, maybe I'll just get a sewing machine. But then, perhaps it's too early to say now...