Monday, May 19, 2008

Watched Iron Man Yesterday!!!~

Yes indeed, I had watched Iron Man yesterday with Selene, Selene's sister and Joey at Plaza Singapura. What happens before that was shopping at Orchard Road with Selene, Selene's sister, Joey, Danielle and Nevadah. in case you don't know, Danielle and Nevadah are two of the New Zealanders which had come over. I had found out that apparently, New Zealanders are are not very good at shopping as they tend to spend their money very quickly and are not used to walking on concrete floors for too long.

Selene's sister helped us to booked the tickets. The seating was terrific as we were in the very last row sitting in the center. Perfect view! Thanks a lot for getting us such wonderful seats!

Anyways, Iron Man was really cool and surprisingly good but I don't understand why he has to be a womanizer.....-_-||| though he's different from the other super heroes I had seen. The trailer for Iron Man was not as good as the movie. There were some funny parts as usual... =^w^= I really enjoyed the movie. Time flies when i was watching it!!!
Well, just watch the movie yourself for I am really tired today and do not wish to write a elaborate review of it. But it's definitely worth watching. I love the suit and Tony Stark's house and brain (the genius part). =D

Iron Man- Movie Trailer (2008)

It was around 11pm when I watched finished the movie which started at 8.30pm. Reached home at around 11.40pm.

So I saw some pictures on Cosplay of Iron Man..there are good and bad so.... offense but it looks like pajamas to me...

This one is really good but it would even better if there's lights inserted in the chest and palms!! What's more is that they said it's fan made!

Testing it out....

Final product!!!

What do you think???? =^w^=

Do watch Iron Man if possible!

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