Saturday, September 27, 2008

SKINNED by Robin Wasserman

2020161 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly!

Hi there everyone! How's everyone getting on? I hope that all are fine! Exams are near so let's all pull up our socks!

I haven't blogged for a while due to some problems with my computer as it was in some kind of Linux OS and I can't get logged on to internet...*coughbrothermessitcough* but now it's all well with a all new cool glossy black disc drive. I will take a picture of it and post it up next time. Thanks to my mother who paid a whooping $800 for it. But well, at least the guy had already installed programs such as Microsoft Office. Which means less time spent on getting the disc drive up and running!

I went to Westerblog as usual and found a post on a new science fiction novel, SKINNED, by Robin Wasserman. It seemed to be an interesting book so I decided to share with you guys what I had found.

Let's start with the trailer first to arouse your curiosity about this book!

SKINNED Book Trailer

The story of SKINNED goes like this...

Some miracles come with a price . . .

Lia Kahn was perfect: rich, beautiful, popular. Until the accident that nearly killed her.

Now she has been downloaded into a new body that only looks human. Lia will never feel pain again, she will never age, and she can't ever truly die.

Forced to the fringes of society, Lia joins others like her. But they are looked at as freaks. They are hated . . . and feared. They are everything but human, and according to most people, this is the ultimate crime -- for which they must pay the ultimate price.

Have I gotten your attention? How about reading the book excerpt here and also an interview with the author here to know more about the book?

Last but not least, the details and the cover of the book are below....

# Reading level: Young Adult
# Hardcover: 368 pages
# Publisher: Simon Pulse (September 9, 2008)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1416936343
# ISBN-13: 978-1416936343
# Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 5 x 1.3 inches

I am definitely going to read this book! The storyline seems to be really interesting!!~

I just realised that I am really a die hear fan of teen science fiction. HAhA~

Study hard and have fun guys! ~\(=^0^=)/~

Sunday, September 14, 2008

~Best of Asia, Bring on America~ BoA!

The rumors of BoA planning to advance into the U.S market has been around for years. With the press conference"Best of Asia, Bring on America" held on 10th September in Seoul Paris Hotel, which will reveal the plan of BoA's advance into America, the rumors are now reality.

Teasers of BoA's U.S Debut Song MVs are released online. The new song, named 'Eat You Up' (don't ask me why it has such a weird name) has two MV, directed by Diane Martel and Cha Eun Taek respectively. I preferred the Korean version of the MV as it is more fun and in my opinion, more BoA's style. The U.S version of the MV seemed to be of a low budget production and not like BoA's style. The video below shows both the Korean and U.S version respectively.

Below:'Eat You Up' Korean&U.S Version Teaser

I suppose most of the people who reads my blog is not able to understand Korean or Japanese, the video below is a part of the press conference with BoA speaking in English, talking about her song etc. I must say that her English is certainly more fluent than before though you could see that she is quite nervous with many 'yeah' in her conversation.

Below:'Best of Asia, Bring on America' Press Conference Part of it

I don't know if she will make it but since I consider myself as a BoA's fan, I hope that she does!

Visit her official America website at .

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Midnighters Book 3: Blue Noon

3648605 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly.

Borders was having their Teachers&Students offer from 3Sep(Wed)-5Sep(Fri). This means that if you are either a student or teacher, you just have to show them your pass and you will be eligible for a 20% discount off their products. Borders Preferred Members would be able to get a further 10% discount too.

This offer was too hard to resist for me. Especially I had convinced my brother to lend me his gift card to buy books. I had went to Borders few days before wanting to check out those Midnighters books. Unfortunately, they were out of stock. Thus, I waited until yesterday, the last day of the promotion to go to Borders, hoping that the trilogy would be there, waiting for me to buy it.

When I arrive there, I noticed that indeed they had stocked up but not the series which I wanted. They had stocked up on UGLIES series with mostly UK UGLIES, PRETTIES, SPECIALS and EXTRAS paperback and also US SPECIALS paperback and EXTRAS hardcover.

There's was only one old cover of Blue Noon paperback and two new cover of Blue Noon paperback. I preferred the new cover version as it's more striking and cooler. That's mostly the reason why I had bought the new cover version instead of the old ones.

Check out the new version of Blue Noon Paperback below:

Although I was itching to open the book and plunge into the world of Midnighters, I was unable to do so as Blue Noon is the last book of the Midnighters trilogy. It would not do me any good learning about the ending when I didn't even have a clue of what was going on.

Guess that I had to sign on Kinokuniya's membership card and get the books after the big "O" Levels.

Actually, for those who knew what is Charmed, the ex producer of Charmed had actually approached Scott Westerfeld and expressed interest in producing a telelvision series for Midnighters. Scott Westerfeld however, was not particularly in favour about the storyline for Midnighters.

For those who didn't know, Midnighters is a science fiction trilogy created by Scott Westerfeld, the very same author of the UGLIES Series that I love.

How I wish that I have enough money to buy all the books I love.

Oh, check out the updated wish list. =P

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Purple Dung

3826800 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly.

Dung or Feces or faeces or fæces. Whatever you like to call it, is a waste product given out by animals. Including us. Well, I had always thought that it was nothing special and perhaps a little gross. Brown or yellow in colour, hard or soft or squishy, I had seen it often enough to think nothing of it.

What about dung in purple colour? That caught my attention when I was about to flush the toilet bowl after doing my business. Not only the dung was in purple colour, the water surrounding the dung was in a deep purple colour as well. Of course, I don't have a picture of the purple dung to show you guys. I don't have that habit of bringing a camera into the toilet. It's unhygienic.

However, I do have a picture of what caused my dung to be in purple colour. That is, Pitaya.

Pitaya has tons of also known as names. I suppose even a spy wouldn't have that much. Would they? Besides knowing as Pitaya, it is also known as pitahaya, dragon fruit, huǒ lóng guǒ (火龍果/火龙果, "fire dragon fruit"), lóng zhū guǒ (龙珠果 "dragon pearl fruit"), strawberry pear, nanettikafruit, or thanh long. Told you that it is going to be a long list of names didn't I? I suppose that you would find one of the names familiar to you.

I had known that the purple coloured Dragon Fruit was not something to mess with if you do not want your expensive clothings to be ruin. It stains terribly, on tongues, clothes, hands, the list goes on. However, I didn't know that it tends to turn your dung into purple colour as well. I suppose now I know about this interesting fact.

In case you still don't know what Pitaya is, below is a picture of the purple coloured ones which I had taken.

Below: Hylocereus costaricensis or known as Costa Rica Pitaya. It is supposed to have red flesh but the colour looks like purple to me.

For more information about it, check out the always trusty Wikipedia here.

Oh, in case you are wondering, I did eventually flushed the toilet. =D

See ya!