Saturday, September 06, 2008

Midnighters Book 3: Blue Noon

3648605 seconds to Bogus to Bubbly.

Borders was having their Teachers&Students offer from 3Sep(Wed)-5Sep(Fri). This means that if you are either a student or teacher, you just have to show them your pass and you will be eligible for a 20% discount off their products. Borders Preferred Members would be able to get a further 10% discount too.

This offer was too hard to resist for me. Especially I had convinced my brother to lend me his gift card to buy books. I had went to Borders few days before wanting to check out those Midnighters books. Unfortunately, they were out of stock. Thus, I waited until yesterday, the last day of the promotion to go to Borders, hoping that the trilogy would be there, waiting for me to buy it.

When I arrive there, I noticed that indeed they had stocked up but not the series which I wanted. They had stocked up on UGLIES series with mostly UK UGLIES, PRETTIES, SPECIALS and EXTRAS paperback and also US SPECIALS paperback and EXTRAS hardcover.

There's was only one old cover of Blue Noon paperback and two new cover of Blue Noon paperback. I preferred the new cover version as it's more striking and cooler. That's mostly the reason why I had bought the new cover version instead of the old ones.

Check out the new version of Blue Noon Paperback below:

Although I was itching to open the book and plunge into the world of Midnighters, I was unable to do so as Blue Noon is the last book of the Midnighters trilogy. It would not do me any good learning about the ending when I didn't even have a clue of what was going on.

Guess that I had to sign on Kinokuniya's membership card and get the books after the big "O" Levels.

Actually, for those who knew what is Charmed, the ex producer of Charmed had actually approached Scott Westerfeld and expressed interest in producing a telelvision series for Midnighters. Scott Westerfeld however, was not particularly in favour about the storyline for Midnighters.

For those who didn't know, Midnighters is a science fiction trilogy created by Scott Westerfeld, the very same author of the UGLIES Series that I love.

How I wish that I have enough money to buy all the books I love.

Oh, check out the updated wish list. =P

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