Friday, March 20, 2009

Fallen in love with him...yet again.

Friday, 20 March 2009

It's been a long time since I had last saw him, or his friends for that matter. How long was it? Was it months or even years? I had lost count. I used to love him a lot. He was on my mind day and night. All the time in school, I was daydreaming when I should be listening to the lessons, or when I was walking, I was always lost in thoughts. I even dreamed of him when I was sleeping. I still remembered the times when I would gush to my friends, who knew him, about how handsome/cute/cool/funny/wonderful he was. They agreed with me. Sure, he has his flaws, but they were not major ones. If one loves him enough, they will embrace his flaws. Although he's a two-timer, I understood that he had his reasons.

Recently, the thought to revisit everything was so intense that I succumbed to it.
As I pulled out pulled out the Inuyasha VCDs Volume One, Disc One, and popped it into my VCD Player, all the emotions came flooding back to me. The story, how I felt about each character e.g. Miroku is a pervert, the music, I was hooked. I had thought that I had not liked it as much as I had before. I was wrong. Now, I loved it more than ever.

Yes, perhaps there are some flaws in the story itself, such as how people seem to be so readily to accept the long list of Kagome's bizarre illness, and how Kagome and Inuyasha seemed to be screaming each others?name every single second. My brother commented on how he was already over from being a fan of Sesshoumaru and how I am still being so childish, watching Inuyasha. Am I childish? Perhaps I am.

Yet, Inuyasha was a lot of things to me. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't have gotten to know about Japanese music. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't have bought a keyboard just so that I could learn to play the wonderful opening/ending theme songs and also the beautiful background music which I had fallen in love in. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't be interested in orchestral music pieces. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't be interested in anime and manga. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't grow to love Cosplay and Lolita. Without Inuyasha, I wouldn't have been willing to part with more than three hundred dollars just to collect all the Inuyasha episodes and movies. Do you see now? Without the existence of Inuyasha, I would have been an incredibly different person from who I am now.

It's astoundingly isn't it? How watching an anime can change and mold a person so much. Believe it for I am a perfect example.

I still remembered the time when I first saw Inuyasha on Arts Central (Okto was named Arts Central then). I think that it was the second episode when Kagome returned to present after being pushed down the well by Yura the Demon of Hair. I was curious about the story, however, I didn't gave it much thought until several weeks (or was it months?) later, I saw Inuyasha again on Arts Central. I was channel surfing then, getting ready to sleep. I saw the part where Kagome jumped into the well in a huff before returning as she remembered as she had forgotten to take her bag with her. I think that it was the episode when Kikyo tried to drag Inuyasha down to hell. I still remembered how I thought about that flash of episode I had seen. It seemed weird, how Kagome forgotten about her anger when she reappeared again in the well, to retrieve her bag. At that time, I thought that the well was a place where it could make a person loses their memory about what happen a few moments ago. I also mused about the stranger company Kagome keeps as well. Kagome is obviously a girl from present but what's with her friends wearing those weird clothes?

Even though I couldn't quite get it then, my curiosity was already well aroused. I decided to splurge on getting every single episodes (and movies when I knew that Inuyasha had movies as well), since I had a bedtime curfew and Inuyasha was broadcast quite late in the night.
How times flies. It's been more than four years since I had fallen in love with Inuyasha. Sine I don't have much things going on now, I have been watching a couple episodes every day, during lunch. I once thought that the magic was lost.

Now, I knew that that my love for Inuyasha is always there.

I suppose it will still last throughout many many years in the future.

After all, I had watched several other anime and the magic was not as strong as Inuyasha. I love all the opening and ending theme songs plus the background music in Inuyasha. I love the story for how it is although I do wish that Naraku should get his retribution soon! For the other anime which I had seen, at most I only like several songs. The story, to me, was not as captivating as Inuyasha.

There were times when I marvel at Kagome's bravery. After all, its everyday a girl from the twenty-first century went back to the past and fight demons, living the life of travelers outside in the wild. Sure, she had Inuyasha at that time. However, it was wise to note that she had only known him for such a little period of time. Besides the "sit" chant, there was nothing else that was stopping Inuyasha from killing her and taking that piece of Shikon no Tama shard away. Besides that, how could she stand living with shower or bath (even if she wanted to, by doing so in the river), sleeping in the wild and always running away and fighting demons! All those creepy stuff she had never seen before and suddenly, boom! She has to deal with them! No doubt, all these experiences had totally strengthened her physically and mentally. I suppose given her condition now, even if when she had some encounter with some robbery or kidnapper back at present time, she wouldn't even flinch. After all, there was no way they could be more frightening than those disgusting demons.

I also love it when Inuyasha follows Kagome to the present. It's just so funny to watch! There was one episode when a robber demanded Inuyasha to get out of his way or he will kill him. Of course the bank robber had no way to know that Inuyasha was much stronger than him. Pissed, Inuyasha just punched his face which knocked him out. The other time when Inuyasha went to Kagome's school to kill the dried demons was pretty hilarious to watch as well. Inuyasha was jealous of how Hojo was declaring his love to Kagome when in reality; both of them were actually performing in a play. Inuyasha just went through the backdrop and crashed onto the stage. When a watermelon demon popped up onto the stage between Kagome and Hojo, Hojo wanted to kill the demon with his sword as he had no clue that it was a real demon and it is capable of killing him, a mere mortal. Kagome, worried about Hojo's safety, urged Inuyasha to kill the demon. Even though Inuyasha could just kill the demon with his claws, he deliberately used Wind Scar to show Hojo that he's the stronger one and wanted him to abolish any ideas he had with Kagome. This resulted in blowing a hole out of the roof. Kagome quickly ended the now messed up play by asking Inuyasha to jumped her away. The oblivious crowd gave them a full standing ovation with cheers as they thought that the effect they had seen was purely special effects and it was the best they had ever seen.

To be honest, it frustrates me that Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kaede were unable to visit Kagome in present time. How marvelous it would be to be able to see their faces when they saw Japan in its twenty-first century glory! There was no definite ending for Inuyasha anime and movie. I hope that the creators of the anime will keep this in mind. Please let them have a chance to go to twenty-first century and let Naraku be dead once and for all! Please let Kagome be with Inuyasha and Kikyo rest in peace!

I had found an anime music video of Inuyasha by chance at YouTube. I think that it was incredibly well done. It should have more comments and views than that. I decided to share it here. Enjoy!

Content: Inuyasha
Song: All About Us by t.A.T.u.

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